Monthly Archives: May 2014

Private Health Insurance Exchange

The amount of the reimbursement of the contribution gives information to the financial condition of insurers and Exchange helps change when choosing the right health insurance when changing private health insurance before of a private health insurance also the amount of the rebates of various health insurance plans may be manual. These be different levels namely depending on the provider and provide information about the financial state of the insurance undertaking. Insurers with a particularly high refunds at Nichinanspruchnahme of insurance services and stable contributions are preferable. The deadline for a PKV Exchange is November 30. At the end of the year, usually after the third quarter, the private insurance companies inform their policyholders about the amount of their annual rebates rebates of private health insurance. These are paid, if the insured person takes no services of its insurance claim within one year. The amount of the relevant premium refunds can be freely negotiated between insurers and insured persons. The refund maximum three month posts, so that some hundred euros may apply depending on the selected fare.

Almost all private health insurance companies use these models of the rebates to attract new customers and maintain existing customers. In some cases, the refund is also staggered, so that policyholders even get back money if you have visited their doctor only once or twice. The amount of the refund is calculated then annually from insurance and goes to the insured in these days. Thus, a healthy way of life will be rewarded twice: one by one through a life without disease, on the other hand by the refund of contributions. PKV computer before a planned Exchange of private health insurance to policyholders a free and independent online use private health insurance calculator and calculate potential contributions for all tariffs of all societies. Thus one receives a good overview of prices and tariff options. In addition, a comparison that is also free and non-binding can be requested. Is interested will receive the best and most powerful car tariffs to choose from.

Clinical Oncology

German summary onkoserv and HEXAL Oncology 5 years has the ASCO – the world’s largest scientific society of Oncology – at the end of the year, the most significant advances of the previous year together – also for 2009 (ASCO: clinical cancer advances 2009: J Clin Oncol 27 (2009) 6052-6069). In the areas of treatment, prevention and screening Congress lectures and publications are presented, which significantly changed the understanding of a particular tumor or but a major contribution to patient care. Also the largest European society of Oncology, ESMO (European society of medical oncology) has summarized the most important from their perspective events and progress of the last year for the first time this year (ESMO’s round-up of leading reports and analyses from 2009). onkoserv – the independent, daily, German-language information service for Clinical Oncology, announced the results of these two important publications – as usual briefly and succinctly summarized in german -, complemented by links and comments. On the page, subscription to registered subscribers / members requesting German summary as a PDF file.

The registration / membership is absolutely free for doctors in clinic or practice, the registration is done online in a few steps. the only daily independent, German-language information service for Clinical Oncology is onkoserv, the newsletter and database in one. Daily 3 current clinical studies phase II in concise, tabular summary are presented – of course in German language. The tabular representation allows a rapid admission of the presented data, the database easy to use a find again at any time. Since 2002, nearly 6000 studies with German tabular summaries are now alone in the literature database to research. Other features of onkoserv are a newsletter with messages from authorities (FDA, EMEA, RKI, etc.), Associations, research institutions and the industry as well as an always up-to-date database of Congress.

Traumatic Dreams Metapsychology

Dream and Trauma In 1920 Sigmund Freud wrote "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" and calls into question this theoretical stance of psychoanalysis. This text works specifically traumatic dreams, children's games, the repetition in transference and those events referred to as "target panic", as they all can be summarized in the repetition of the unpleasant. Freud turns to the study of traumatic dreams and questions about why, if the dream is a desire handling, leading to the subject again and again to the plight. Traumatic dreams are characterized by occur in people who have been determined by a traumatic event like an accident and where what is produced in the dream is the repetition of this traumatic event. Reads: "the dream life of the traumatic neurosis shows the character of redirecting the patient again and again to the situation of his accident, which awakens with renewed terror. The patient is, so to speak, mentally set to trauma.

"Thus Freud said that the traumatic dream is the one that contradicts the theory of the dream as wish-fulfillment, did not happen with anxiety dreams (nightmares) while still when these sleep function is to fail, the subject is awake and this operates as a defense against the emergence of trauma. Similarly, punitive dreams do they represent an obstacle to the theory, since these are wish-fulfillment replaced by the corresponding punishment prohibited. Traumatic dreams can not be seen as the fulfillment of desire but due to the repetition compulsion and that is that Freud states that "the original function would not eliminate sleep, by fulfilling the desire of disturbing motions, capable of interrupting motifs sleep, could only take over this function after all the soul-life principle accepted the rule of pleasure.

Seniors Travel Insurance, Have A Safe Trip

It is unfortunate truth: insurance premiums are based on risk, and as far as health insurance, statistically, the older you are more likely you are, with one or more of the diseases that can lead to the application. Most travel insurance offers travel insurance at premiums vary by age and duration of the trip. They do not take into account the medical history page. When you press it is already 50, not later than 65 insurance companies would so like to order their own health. This means that to buy a travel insurance, you must now answer a series of medical issues. Often, insurance broker or agent the form handling, you must check either \”yes\” or \”no\” to the various medical issues. Depending on the answers, you can set a daily rate category.

Multiple medical issues, the higher the premium. In addition, keep high premiums, schedule your condition in which the provider already exists, should therefore continue. In other words, up to 6 months in the already-existing, which requires that we might have been 7 months since I wanted to get coverage. If you have a greater risk to the insurer (or more conditions you have) already exist in the Schedule may be increased to 12 months. In this situation, provided that you were 7 months ago, is now regarded as already exists and therefore does not fall under way. Thesis plan are therefore not cover any conditions that the policy be \”already exists\”. Questionnaires can actually prevent you cover all together, you’ll be more than the comfortable scale of the insurance provider conditions. In this case the only option you have to assume what is medically known as a level. These medical plan do not just assume your age, trip duration, and whether you have certain conditions, but they will get the full personal health information, including things like height and weight into account, giving you to offer that is precisely tailored individual risk assessments.


Psychological sleep tips for adult sleep has become a problem for many professionals. Many wake up at night and can not go back to sleep from sheer brooding thoughts. The Verhaltenstherpaie and the sleep psychology provide good tips for peaceful nights. Can sleep at night and for recovery ability the get – for many adults a pipe dream now. The job stress makes people no longer sleep. According to health insurance reports is: each r third wakes up at night and can no longer fall asleep.

For many, thoughts then revolve around the work. But there are tips and tricks that are sometimes quite simple and yet Act. However, they do require a little usage, in particular preparation. The following tips to turn off in the overview are chronologically and divided. Prepare the shutdown properly. Ask yourself in the Office: what have I done today? What am I proud? What’s important for tomorrow? What is my plan? It is best if Write down the answers to these questions. Everything you write down on a sheet, is out of the head and can not bother you after work.

Establish a sleep ritual, E.g. a regular cup of coffee when he comes home. Prepare the sleep properly. Go not just in bed, but also develop a ritualized order. For example, by regularly with the dog going down the fresh air (will do well also your thoughts), then in the kitchen and look in the children from the right hand, then drink a delicious Cup of tea or the classic hot milk with honey, and disappear in the bathroom and change – everything day always same order. Indicated body and psyche: now he / she go right to bed. Prepare the sleep properly. Sleep with full head and twisted thoughts want – it may not work. Therefore: sit down one hour before going to bed outside (!) of the bedroom and write what moves you. As concrete. And then cut the piece of paper, or throw him in the fire. And then work up to going to sleep with pleasant things (no horror thrillers). Don’t worry about that you will be stirred up this – this phase (where you might even temporarily worse sleep) experience has shown that only 10 days. Then sleep you easier and better by. For more information and concrete offers to the switching off learning by Dr. Anne Katrin Matyssek, see. Recovery ability to train that is the only way to maintain mental health, very important and often (depending on the older we become, the more) If on the stress in the workplace (why always) nothing can change. Athletes know that: training stimuli make only stronger, if followed by a period of regeneration (relaxation) after a period of tension. The same is true for the ‘ normal service providers “. Only who really well at night can charge its battery is fit on the next day.