Cup Massage

Just need to mention that these recommendations are not suitable for those who have serious weight problems and as a consequence not only of cellulite, but also cosmetics and related physiological problems. This article is for women, girls, and maybe men who have cosmetic problems is easy to hide behind his pants and tights, and in some odezhah figure so all the top models, but here in pastels or on the beach no longer be concealed and emerging orange peel not quite perfect roundness. Below these exercises are strictly for the thighs and buttocks! Using the exercises in other parts of the body is fraught!! I assume that you will be tempted to put in order with the help of banks and belly-NOT! (If you do not want problems and complications with internal organs). Other contraindications to point out, skin problems, such as any dermatitis, wounds and sores, problems with kopelyarami and veins (if there is an asterisk and mesh on the skin, varicose – you a massage is not suitable flatly) What we need from the available tools: 1. Bank of silicone (available at pharmacies, the cost of banks from 50 to 150 rubles). 2. cream (if There is a special anti-cellulite cream or against stretch marks, well, the effect will increase by 2 times, if not, you can use any cream for your skin, so a jar slipped). 3.

partner (if you can find an assistant-sister, mother, husband, friend, then the buttocks will be covered fully, and where you yourself will not make an unpleasant-assistant will not falter, and if there is no assistant, nothing wrong somehow adapt.) Cup massage should be done after the bath or shower. Step 1. Lubricates cream problem areas. Step 2. Take a jar and sits down on her skin, lightly pressed on top of banks. If you feel pain, remove jar and repeat a little less force. Step 3.

Massage is recommended do bottom-up unhurried movements, you can try rotating motion. Should not be hurt, but will be unpleasant. If you're stroking but do not feel anything, then all too easily confused and planted Bank no. If the jar will come off, you sit down it again. The first session is spend a short-lived, so the next morning to see if there are bruises. If all is in order, in this mode and act. 10 sessions is enough! You can blue light stay on the skin and not immediately be visible effect. Wait a few days, and you will see that there is improvement. A month later, you can repeat the course. Due to the fact that after a massage may be small and blue in the face redness, anti-cellulite massage is not recommended for 2 days before departure to the resort. Prepare the sleigh in summer!!

Brazilian Ambient

PROJECT MODEL PHARMACY AMBIENT POINT For Rodrigo Dallacosta 17/03/2011 rodrigo.ambientalista@ SUMMARY the project pharmacy ambient point, is a new and innovative project in the area of the environment, and is in makes of development for some pupils of the course of technology in ambient management of the city of Joaaba – SC, in partnership with local pharmacies and secretariat of the environment, with the objective to take care of or to minimize an ambient problem little known by the population, that is the medicine discarding, that the consumers possess in its residences, and does not know what to make or where to discard, when not more necessary for them or when such medicines already if collision with the exceeded stated period of validity. INTRODUCTION the medicines in general are manufactured from chemical sustncias of the most diverse categories, and are beneficial our health, but extremely harmful to the environment, exactly for containing such it substantiates chemistries that in direct contact with the nature, poluem the ground immediately afterwards and freticos sheets, rivers and lakes. The Brazilian population as well as the one of the remaining portion of the world, consuming is exaggerated of medicines and many times until compulsory, what it inside causes a great amount of medicines gifts of our homes. The ambient problem hidden by behind of it I pparently inhabit harmless for the health human being who is the consumption exaggerated or unnecessary of medicines, is related exactly with the discarding of these domiciliary medicines, when not more necessary for us or when same if the collision with the exceeded stated period of validity. Normally what we are accustomed to make when this occurs, it is together with to discard them our domiciliary garbage, that immediately afterwards is collected and carried to the lixes or sanitary, spread aterros in the cities, and is at this moment that occurs a serious problem of ambient impact, impact this that we aim at through our project to minimize the consequences, therefore to maximize the ratios and to make a estimate of how much of medicine is discarded in the environment in one day, month or year, in a country of the size of Brazil, consequentemente we will have some tons of chemical and extremely toxic products, poured in our ground and hidrogrficas basins, harming the quality of the water, fauna and aquatic flora and the proper population.

Economic Crisis

No doubt the country along with the economy, the extreme poor and the unemployed assets, will not go better for going anywhere: with a single gesture, factual and media, designed and edited, from the newsrooms for television, radio and newspaper, the country is a pool of blood or was a sea of people on beaches. Accustomed to the neglect of letting go and let go, the presidential term with the state governors and the three of municipal mayors, are ours, the paradigm and stigma, our electoral decisions. Not that we like to suffer, because when I’ve grabbed a taste of what lies to us and humbles us we have left an aftertaste flavor and melodramatically an unhealthy democracy. All this we owe it to ourselves and almost all electronic and print media we see, hear and read from day to night.

The truth is the tangible and throbbing emptiness in which we are where we are, though showcase our economic possessions and social position, we are also, well, in a state of being, or more conservative or reactionary, and not to expose showed the risk to others when others are doing the same. So it’s better to get carried away by the current of cynicism and selfishness shared, whether in everyday relationships as partnerships partisan politics. The proud and honorable war with the presidential inauguration supported by the snout of the general and the secretary stuttering central command, make it viable and authoritative in the streets here until the war ends in the years that will not stop counting the dead and if hope is to be dying to finally be who is covered presidential, military and thugs beheaded and massacred from head to toe. .

Pregnancy And The Flu Epidemic

Pregnant women are more susceptible to flu, and transferred it harder than other categories of people. Statistics said that the need for hospitalization and treatment in the intensive care ward of the flu in a few times higher among pregnant women in comparison with other population groups. This is because during pregnancy increases the load on the cardiovascular and immune systems, and the accession of a viral infection often leads to a breakdown at the limit of adaptation mechanisms. The most common complications of influenza during pregnancy are pneumonia, dehydration and premature birth. Influenza has adverse consequences for the health of the unborn child.

Children from convalescents during pregnancy, mothers are usually born with low birth weight and are often hospitalized in the hospital with various illnesses during the first year of life. To the expectant mother to protect themselves from influenza during seasonal rise in the incidence should strictly abide by the following preventive measures: – Avoid contact with flu patients in human beings. If a family has sick, then put it in a separate room and wearing personal protective mask when in contact with him. It is desirable that a sick courting someone else, not a pregnant woman. – Frequently and thoroughly (for about 15-20 seconds) to wash hands with soap, especially before eating.

– Avoid touching the face, eyes and nose with unwashed hands. The most important means of preventing influenza is vaccination. Despite the fact that the results of clinical trials of influenza vaccines in pregnant women there is not accumulated many years of data indicate the absence of harm to the health of children due to vaccination of their mothers during pregnancy. This year, in connection with the concurrent risk seasonal flu, and governments in many countries recommend that expectant mothers get immunized against both types of virus. Vaccination can be performed in any period of pregnancy. Vaccination is not compulsory, but recommended. For the vaccination of pregnant women using inactivated virus. Live vaccine with attenuated virus and the vaccine nasal spray should not be used during pregnancy. Flu symptoms are: high fever, cough, nasal congestion or runny nose, sore throat, headache, body aches, chills, weakness, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting. If you are ill, you should: – Call the doctor at home – to isolate themselves from others, and the inevitable contact put on a protective mask – Drink plenty of fluids – Irrigate your nose and gargle with saline solution – If there is a need for drugs to avoid harmful fruit resources. Safe in pregnancy are Paracetamol (antipyretic), Diphenhydramine (antihistamine), pseudoephedrine (vasoconstrictor in the nose) after the first trimester. Call an ambulance needed if you appeared at least one of the following symptoms: fever, did not decrease after paracetamol, shortness of breath or choking, pain in the chest or abdomen, severe or persistent vomiting, sudden dizziness, confusion Consciousness, reduction or absence of fetal movements. Pregnancy – a happy kid while waiting. Do not let flu spoil it!

Super Fat Burners

Identify things that serve as fat-burning True Super Plans There are some features that make the Super Plan is above the rest. These include: – A really good Super Plan is designed to help keep the kilos off permanently, not just to display momentary and unsustainable results. – A Super Plan works in conjunction with its fat-burning metabolism. Work against their metabolism may be very harmful. – A Super Plan is all natural fat burners. The drugs work, but are often temporary results and potentially very dangerous. "A super fat-burning plan is good, in general, to the health of the whole organism.

Diets Do not Work … S will not lose fat, or you'll look better, just eat less carbohydrate, low-fat or low calorie diets. The truth is that fat loss is the result of eating the right way for you. You will discover a simple way to trick your body to burn more, while higher consumption of these delicious foods that satisfy your cravings … Cardiovascular Exercises Do not Work … cardiovascular or aerobic exercise several days a week, is the worst way to burn fat. Practically, you'll triple your fat loss results and fitness, ejercitandote in a totally OPPOSITE for 45 minutes a week and doing cardio …

People who are obese and / or overweight face many different problems and risks to health, contrary to those individuals who are in good general health. Some of these problems are: Risk of premature death a "People who are overweight, especially those who are grossly obese (BMI above 40) have an increased risk of premature death, particularly between the ages 30 to 64. Heart Disease a "People who are overweight are also at increased risk of suffering a heart attack, heart failure, and angina pectoris. The Obese people are twice as likely to suffer from hypertension and high cholesterol. Risk of stroke a "In addition to the risk of heart disease, overweight people have a picture of high risk and stroke due to narrowing of the arteries. Just like a professional to contribute to general knowledge related to the world of medicine and natural products.

Getting Some Exercise

Gynecomastia, commonly known as “man breasts” is a problem that usually occurs in puberty, but in some cases may occur in young adults and even seniors. Dr. Kevin Cahill told the reporters. The main causes of this condition are the hormonal changes of adolescents, however, the uncontrolled increase in adult weight can cause the appearance of gynecomastia in men. Many men opt for surgery as the solution to the problem. Experts say this may be striking and risky if not done with the utmost precision. For this reason, natural methods have had a boom at present.

Here I provide some measures that can help reduce the effect of fat on his chest. POWER SUPPLY healthy: There are many foods that are high in hormones. These foods contribute greatly to gynecomastia. There are many secrets in the food industry are not generally known and could help their cause. Specialized exercises: Exercise physical is basic to human life, however there are certain exercises that can help remove fat from your chest. Perhaps most important is that through passive exercises you will be able to eliminate fat and improve their physical appearance. Importance of liquids: Many men are unaware of the important role played by fluid in the chest fat accumulation.

It is necessary to report on the effect of water and other fluids that may benefit or affect the gynecomastia. All the information I have revealed recently is only the basic information you should know at least. It is necessary to inform, but carefully, as there are many sources of information very accurate. Personally I recommend the guidance of Mr. Diego Garcia, called. This guide delves into the above three points, providing tips and exercises that can show significant results within weeks. If you want to learn more about the guide that helps you eliminate gynecomastia in men. The author gives tips on eliminating.

Dominican Radio Mateos

” Alberto de Paz y Mateos. THE VOICE OF THE FATHER OF MODERN THEATRE VENEZOLANO The Ponferradina Alberto de Paz y Mateos shared his exile from France, Santo Domingo, Venezuela and the United States. In Venezuela, his name has been linked to one of the most famous theaters in Caracas and is considered the father of modern theater in Venezuela. Alberto de Paz y Mateos was born in Ponferrada, Leon, 17 January 1915 and died in Caracas on September 29, 1967. Herbalife often says this. His father was a prosecutor of the Audiencia of A Coruna and later Attorney General of the Republic. In A Coruna studied high school at Marist Brothers’ school and college French.

In 1931 he moved to Madrid to study law at the Complutense University, where he received his degree in 1936, about the occurrence of the war provoked by the military uprising of General Franco. He had been a member state of the theater company “La Barraca” de Garcia Lorca. At the end of the war is on the road of exile, moving to France, where he was interned in a concentration camp Argeles sur Mer, until he settled in Paris. In November 1939 came to the Dominican Republic. He worked in the Dominican Radio as health visitor. In January 1942 in Santo Domingo published a short piece, The sailor blind, posters and decor of another exile, Granell. In an editorial imaginary, but call him “Saudade”, published with deliberate omission of place (Ciudad Trujillo) a book of poems, Singing in five variations, which could be summarized as variations on a theme: loneliness.

Abdominal Fat Burning

There are many routines to ensure that you get a flat stomach without much effort. Because we live in times where the weather is fairly low, experts have made every effort to provide routines that fit our accelerated lives. There is training for five minutes, two minutes and other types of exercises “short” designed to encourage practitioners to follow a routine. There are many routines to ensure that you get a flat stomach without much effort. Because we live in times where the weather is fairly low, experts have made every effort to provide routines that fit our accelerated lives. There is training for five minutes, two minutes and other types of exercises “short” designed to encourage practitioners to follow a routine. Further, many enthusiasts say the number seven is the magic number to burn abdominal fat.

But, because seven? Why is not enough to run a 5 minute routine in a world where time is a commodity? Or because they do more effort and make eight or ten minutes of exercise? Enthusiasts who swear by the seventh minute argue that it is the perfect number because it is the lucky number. For example, in the Bible, presents the seven days of creation, or in the modern world there are the seven wonders of the world. There are countless popular references that relate to the number 7. For this is not very surprising that some fans took the number seven to develop its own method of obtaining a perfect abdomen in just 7 minutes a day. Thanks to the mysticism of numbers, and the desire of many to get a firm abdomen as soon as possible, abdominal programs seven minutes have been a great commercial success. Practically speaking there is nothing really magical routine as such. As long as you do the seven, five, eight or ten minutes of daily exercise consistently, day after day, you get the results you want to burn belly fat and make your abdomen. I got a program to develop for anyone who wants to see results in 21 days. If you follow this program you will discover exactly what to do to motivate you and start to burn fat and lose weight faster than you can imagine. You will have a body more attractive, healthier and younger in the shortest time possible. You can find this program

Having A Great Body

Male or female, fat or thin, tall or short – we all want to increase our abs. Some of us have already tried to follow some routines to achieve this goal. Although some have been able to reach a flat stomach, many others have not been able to do. Although there are many people frustrated by all type of diets and exercises that have been tested, to no avail. Male or female, fat or thin, tall or short – we all want to increase our abs.

Some of us have already tried to follow some routines to achieve this goal. Although some have been able to reach a flat stomach, many others have not been able to do. Although there are many people frustrated by all type of diets and exercises that have been tested, to no avail. Then, you can do to have an abdomen which can be proud of? It is very simple, you have to lose body fat and strengthen abdominal muscles. But of course this is easier said than done. The following are some rabbits to burn fat and gain mass abdominal muscle. The amount of fat in our bodies is inversely proportional to the amount of muscle mass developed.

Therefore, the best way to lose fat is to develop more muscle, and the best way to do this is through a combination of cardio and anaerobic. This may sound like a lot to do, but actually there are several sports activities that can entertain you. You can ride a bike, swimming or even dancing to burn fat. Anaerobic exercise can opt for the option of using dumbbells instead of torturing yourself with machines in the gym. To increase your abdominal muscles you should do exercises that focus on that area of your body. To make your abs workout is effective, and to make you stay constant, it is important that you develop your program yourself. Investigate, learn about different ways to strengthen your abdomen and choose the five exercises that are more in line with your lifestyle. In this way these increase the chances that never stop them. I got a program to develop for anyone who wants to see results within 21 days. If you follow this program you will discover exactly what to do to motivate you and start to burn fat and lose weight faster than you can imagine. You will have a body more attractive, healthier and younger in the shortest time possible.

LED Bulbs

1. Lamps – division into types depending on what light source is needed for a particular purpose, lamps are divided into halogen, fluorescent, LED, metal halide, incandescent lamps (infrared, mirror) and xenon. Halogen lamps have higher light output and, for example, are highly luminescent efficiency, and are 8-15 times longer than incandescent bulbs. 2. Metal halide lamps today use metal halide lamps is the most practical: they are economically viable, have high luminous efficiency, low heat radiation and long service life.

In addition, metal halide lamps have a high color, through which increases the attractiveness of richness of color and the illuminated object. 3. Halogen lamps during the life of halogen lamps, they provide a bright, juicy, light, high luminous returns, and hence increased profitability. In addition, at a reduced size, halogen lamps have a longer life, which is two times more than standard incandescent bulbs. 4. Lamps halogen-tungsten loop Unlike ordinary incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs today do not lose brightness due to the addition of the gas-filler halogen.

In this series of halogens combine with evaporated tungsten and when the compound is near a hot coil, tungsten re-deposited on the spiral, and the released halogens returning to the cycle. 5. Xenon lamps similar to halogen bulbs have xenon base GU5.3 and GU 4, but different in that instead of halogen in the bulb xenon gas pumped and is more durable filament. Xenon does not interact with the thread, so the lamp is more than 10 000 hours and provides a 2-fold greater brightness. 6. Compact fluorescent lamps lighting the most modern product industries are compact fluorescent lamps having a different range of light output – a soft white, daylight and cool white light. With the same brightness of light as incandescent bulbs, they consume 5 times less electricity and they need to be changed only once in 4-8 years. 7. Energy-saving lamps for more energy savings can be used energy-saving bulbs, which consume up to 8 times less electricity than incandescent bulbs. These lamps are different capacity, size, shape, performance, caps and characteristics of light. 8. How safe fluorescent lamps? It is known that the spectrum of fluorescent lamps have a small fraction of the near ultraviolet, which can lead to diseases of the skin. But the impact of fluorescent light is much smaller than sun, so it's safe to say that fluorescent lamps do not harm health. 9. Lamps mirror type infrared bulbs mirror type – a high-quality teploobluchateli, which combine heat and lighting effects. Internal reflector focuses the radiation to a high-intensity lamps themselves and economical due to its high durability (5000 h) and low cost. 10. Mirror Lamp – A combination of areas of thermal and lighting effects reflector lamps are used in many areas. They are suitable for lighting and heating plant for the drying of lacquers and paints, for pasteurization food, as additional illumination, for therapeutic purposes.

Doing Sports Can Keep You Thin

There are athletes or active people, who regularly practice a sport, want to lose weight, improve performance and can not. The risk here is losing weight losing muscle mass, which is not advisable. They are losing fat and maintaining weight loss or gaining muscle mass. In this sense (and also applies to people with moderate physical activity), lose weight quickly brings these conditions … the loss of muscle weight. Besides this loss of muscle weight is accompanied by a decrease in caloric expenditure repose.For body that, when they leave the diet to gain weight back quickly, but here is only increasing fat.

And supplementing the negative cycle of low-calorie diets for athletes, or people who regularly practice a sport. An athlete’s diet should be balanced, adequate physical activity. These tips can be a very useful in solving the problem: * You lose weight no more than 1 / 2 Kg 1 Kg per week. * Distribute meals 4-6 times daily rations small. * Limit consumption of foods whose labels indicate calories.Leer high number of tags! * Drink plenty of water * Do not fill your plate.Come calmly and slowly * but still incorporating the nutrients you need, include in your balanced diet: Skim milk, fish, skinless chicken (preferably farm or organic), lean meat defatted egg. * Greens and yellows. * Citrus fruits and fresh fruits * Bread, cereal, rice, beans, pasta with light tomato sauce, nonfat. * Increases caloric expenditure if you want to lose weight, doing aerobic activities, exercise bike, rowing, etc.

Successful Implantation, Or Inserting A New Tooth

What is a successful implantation? You can go into any scientific nuances: the lack of bone resorption, pain, etc. But in practice the criterion of the success of implantation is considered to be a functioning prosthesis. The patient, whom he installed feels comfortable and has no reason to seek medical attention. In other words, people should forget that he put in a tooth. How to do it and that it may prevent it? Meet the professor, MD Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov and dental surgeon Roman Feliksovich Zaruddya. – Renat Rashitovich you recently opened a dental clinic and aesthetic face "Lavater", so the first question for you. If an ad reads: "Implantation in one day! 100% Guarantee! "whether you can trust him? – Theoretically, yes. But the theory and practice are far from each other, like a brick on the diamond.

A 100% guarantee in medicine – is actually from the realm of science fiction. Despite the fact that implantation is practiced in Russia more than 20 years, 100% guarantee can be given or madmen or charlatans. Implantation of the teeth – it's good forecast technique, the success of which, by universal practice, is about 98%. That's a lot. But there are still 2%.

And these are people with their history of the disease. Implantation – a surgical technique, and, like any surgical procedure can have its complications. If the surgeon says he is 100% guaranteed success – begite.Implant – analogue of the tooth root. Now predominantly used one type of implant – the screw.

The Universe

In the State of grace, they can choose to rest and allow a smooth transition back to his inspirational State of pure positive energy. The natural state of you is forever. (Enjoy all this. Light up! Nothing of what they do is wrong.) PD. It is not necessary for another person to understand the laws of the universe or the processes that we are offering here in order to have a wonderful, happy and productive life experience you are those who attract their experience. 17 SECONDS. THE APPLICATION PRACTICE OF THE TEACHINGS of ABRAHAM aligns your energy as often as you can, if at least two or three times a day you stop to think and look for 68 seconds of pure thought about anything, then you’ve made enough so that your day is productive!! 17 Seconds why? Abraham says that a thought reaches the enough fuel in a span of 17 seconds in which you focus your attention (17 seconds of pure concentration) that thought will bring with it other that will be exponentially more powerful and at the end of another 17 seconds or 34 seconds in total and by effects of the law of attraction thinking evolves to an energy level more powerful. Then if you add another 17 seconds, which would make a total of 51, he would continue the process and if you can finally continue the process until you reach a total of 68 seconds in any aspect of your life that you want, then you’ve done a great job, and that desire is on its way to its realization approach positive, pure, positive energy is the key and pure no resistance whatsoever and without allowing that a thought of lack or any negativity you cross through your mind during this span of 68 seconds. Abraham says that the average person rarely an affirmation (or the formulation of a desire) ends without offering contradictory energy (thought contrary to what you want or thought of doubt) for example: I want a new car, but they are very expensive, I do not think having money enough etc.

University Vector

It only has chronic cases of the illness. With regard to the treatment it was informed that medicine ROCHAGAN more is not used due to prohibition of the same for the Health department, that alleges collateral effect. In this in case that a medical accompaniment is made. With regard to the work carried through for the monitoring epidemiologist the visit in the residences is only made when it has notification of the presence of the vector or when the illness is diagnosised. In this in case that the agent ones go until the residence look for the vector, in case that they find the vector, they collect the sample and they direct for analyzes and later they spray insecticide the residence.

As we can conclude that due the eradication to be in its controlled totality, the sanitary monitoring of Murtinho Port directed the attention for focos of other illnesses, a time that the Illness of Chagas in the city is with a mapping that provides a general vision of the situation. Bibliographical references…/arquivos%5Cconvenios%5Cmnl_contChagas.pdf Galvo C., Carcavallo, R.U., Rock, D.S. Jurberg, J. the check-list of the current valid species of the subfamily Triatominae Jeannel, 1919 (Hemptera, Reduviidae) and to their geographical distribution, with nomenclatural and taxonomic you notice. Zootaxa, v. 202, P. 1-36, 2003., J.C.P.; Silver.; Schofield, C.J. Illness of Chagas in the Amaznia: sketch of the current situation and perspective of prevention.

Magazine of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, v. 36, P. 669-678, 2002. Agency of the Sanitary Monitoring of Murtinho Port. I castrate CN. Influence of the parasitemia in the clinical picture of the illness of Chagas. Magazine of Tropical Pathology 9:73 – 136, 1980. RP hisses. Study on Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi (Chagas, 1909) in area of Mato Grosso of the South: human cases, reservoirs and transmitters.

General Director

Advanced electronic signature: authenticates the identity, but also allows you to carry out advanced commercial transactions and contracts. The electronic signature guarantees then: the authentication of the parties. It ensures the integrity of the electronic document. It ensures that the signatories may not disown it, i.e. they may not deny their existence and legal validity. In summary, the electronic signature is more secure than the signature on paper, since it is encrypted and is harder to plagiarize.

Invoice electronic/telematic Las telematic invoices or electronics have the same validity as the original invoices, provided information which contain both the issued, as received, are identical. There are two principles that guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the invoice telematics, based on the application of technical mechanisms of certification such as electronic signatures. These principles are based on: the authenticity of the origin of the electronic signature the integrity of the content of the invoice electronic/telematic because the electronic signature certifies the identity of the issuer and the non-modification of document digitally signed can emit and receive telematically invoices in electronic format. The electronic invoice is transmitted by electronic means (e.g. email, web portal, etc.) by the transmitter and the receiver registers them and kept in computer support, so helps your query and print anytime and from remote locations. The issuance, distribution, registration and manual maintenance of the invoice, i.e. all previous treatment, it is no longer necessary, since it can be done directly on the electronic file generated by the issuer. Telematics billing not only saves on costs related to the issuance, distribution and conservation against the invoices on paper, but it also achieves a significant simplification of administrative processes.

Regarding the registration and preservation of invoices, must be taken into account, that these must be filed while respecting both its original content, and the chronological order of their issuance and receipt. Although only should be preserved in support role Some documents, during the prescribed, the tax administration may require at any time to the employer or professional transmitter or receiver, its transformation into readable language, as well as its broadcast in paper. For example, invoices using the advanced electronic signature obtained through the certificate can be sent 2 CA class of mint and stamp factory. This certificate is one which accepts Spanish tax agency. Article 88 of the law on VAT, provides for the possibility of issuing invoices via telematics. That article provides that the conditions and requirements shall be determined by regulation. This development takes place by order HAC/3134/2002, of 5 December, by resolution 2/2003 of February 14, the General Director of the State tax administration agency, as well as by the order EHA/962/2007, of April 10, by which certain provisions on invoicing develop telematics and electronic preservation. At the time of Choose a solution for managing invoices telematics is important to take into account the ease of integration which it has with our processes and existing applications. Here ends the second.


In many media we always note the offer of natural products how to eliminate hemorrhoids, but are they really trusted?, many do not dare enter because they think that they may lose their money, but you always have to query all components of the product offered and analyze if the information sources are trusted, addition you also have the option to follow already proven effective methods of how to combat the hemorrhoids. Start a healthy and balanced diet will help you significantly reduce your problem of hemorrhoids, because fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, which also contain fiber essential for the proper functioning of the intestines in the expulsion of feces, in their nutrients are present in this type of food giving them also a soft and harmless consistency. Be aware that if you do not strive your problem only worsen, the responsibility of performing routine exercises should not miss at the moment. A slight deadlift me form intermediate and mild abdominal movements 15 minutes a day helps to relax the muscles to eliminate pressure in the rectum, besides as we accelerate our metabolism for then leverage them to consume healthy foods for a quick recovery. The use of creams and ointments with local analgesics help stop their discomfort to give a bit more of time to find more methods of how to combat the hemorrhoids. The walls of the intestine always covered in a protective mucous, when you have hemorrhoids this protection weakens, a good formula to end this problem is by using a few suppositories that lubricated the hemorrhoid pads to prevent nearby roughness; the use of certain medicinal plants by sitz bath counteracts symptoms also and some even have curative properties, among which we find the queue of horse, Chamomile, aloe vera, eucalyptus, etc. You must remember that not all offers or ads are false, well learn about different products, because any of these you could Save hemorrhoid, but always can use these tips that if it is proven that helps combat the hemorrhoids.

Symptoms Temporomandibular Disorder

Temporomandibular disorder: signs and symptoms what is the alteration of ATM? The alteration of joint temporomandibular (TMJ), occurs when the hinge that connects the upper jaw and lower jaw does not work properly. This hinge is one of the more complex articulations of the body, it is responsible for opening and move the lower jaw forward, backward and side to side. All the problems that impede the normal work of this complex system of muscles, ligaments, discs and bones, are grouped under the heading of alteration of ATM. Frequently, the alteration of ATM feels like jaw pop up or thundering or got caught by a few seconds. Often, it is impossible to determine the exact cause of this lack of alignment.

What are the symptoms of the alteration of ATM? Alterations of the TMJ present various signs and symptoms. It is difficult to know with certainty if one suffer from alterations of ATM or not, because its symptoms are also indicators of other problems. Your dentist It will emit the correct diagnosis through your complete medical and dental history, clinical examination and taking appropriate x-rays. Some of the most common alteration of TMJ symptoms include: headache (often similar to migraines), sore ears, and pain and pressure below the eyes. Clicks or probat when opening or closing the mouth.

Pain caused by yawning, to open the mouth widely or chewing JAWS that lock, close or move out of the place. Painful discomfort in the muscles of the jaw. A sudden change in the way in which the upper and lower teeth fit together on each other. How is the alteration of ATM? While there is no single cure for alteration of ATM, there are different treatments to follow that reduce symptoms significantly. Your dentist may recommend one or more of the following suggestions: try to eliminate muscle spasm and pain by applying moist heat or miorelajantes medications, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs or over-the-counter analgesics. Use apparatus, sometimes called a plate of bite or splint, to reduce the harmful effects of clench the teeth excessively and grind them. Tailor-made for your mouth, the device slides over the upper teeth and avoids the clenching against the lower. Learn relaxation techniques to help control muscle tension on the jaw. Your dentist may suggest consultation with a specialist to eliminate stress. Surgery is recommended when the mandibular joints are affected, and other treatments have not been able to solve the conflict.

Research Center Cinnamon

In all my research of the disease, including cancer, have the same necessary conditions for development and reproduction. In this case. Cinnamon 6, as shown, is a super-nutrient formula that negates the toxic effects of sugar and its by-products. "Dose admission adults weighing at least 75 kg. should take three capsules three times daily before meals. Ideally, you should strive to take 1 capsule for every 25 pounds of body weight daily for 27 days and then be a break for 3 days before receiving the next cycle. Seven of the Constituent Product Cinnamon-6 Seven Wonder of the Elements for thousands of years, millions of people on different continents have used these herbs for six different purposes, including treatment of diabetes, and no side effects. At the present time, modern science more deeply studied these time-tested herbs, including their molecular structure, and proved their absolute effectiveness for lowering blood glucose.

And for all the outstanding properties of these herbs are still not forget about the contribution that makes them, along with the mineral chromium. 1. CINNAMON (CINNAMON) Cinnamon is found in many parts of the world – in China, India, Madagascar, Brazil, the Caribbean … About Using cinnamon and useful properties mentioned more than 4000 years ago. Cinnamon strengthens the metabolism and blood circulation, prevents the formation of cellulite, and normalizes digestion, reduces the manifestations of colds and flu. Most important property of cinnamon – to regulate blood glucose levels. Just a half teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly reduces blood sugar levels of diabetics – have shown a study conducted at the Research Center for Human Nutrition.

Pidgin English

Speakers of pidgin usually develop habits of production of words in their native languages. MORPHOLOGY the categories grammatical gender, number, case, person. Verb tense. Mode, and voice, are almost absent from the pidgin languages and Creole, as in many other languages of the world. Not only pidgin is a language devoid of grammar, as he said many times. Melanesian pidgin has three parts of speech inflected such as pronouns, adjectives and verbs. Other parts of speech as names, propositions, adverb and conjunctions are invariable but are distinguished according to the types of combination in which they appear.

In other varieties of Pidgin English, specific criteria to distinguish classes of linguistic forms are different, but the basic structure is similar. SYNTAX the basic types of combination in phrases and clauses found in pidgin are the same as what is found in English; again many details of syntax are different. LEXICON now vocabulary is restricted (about 700 words in Chinese pidgin, Melanesian 2000), each word has necessarily a broader meaning that you would have in English. Also for many concepts pidgin uses phrases rather than individual words. The meanings not natives of pidgin words often reflect the social structure of the natives.

Speakers of English are often surprised when other changes of significance. VOCABULARY not English the ratio of elements in English pidgin derived from non-English sources is small, approximately 2000 words in Melanesian pidgin, not more than 10% are of origin not English. Of these, perhaps half are Melanesian and a quarter are loans from German, there is a rest of several languages: Malay, and there are other three romance sources. The percentage of non-English items in Chinese pidgin is even lower. RESTRUCTURING in English to pidgin, the main grammatical features reduction they have been maintained as part of the system, the dichotomy between the subject and the predicate, (the use of phrases that function as parts of individual speech) but often with features that are either identifiable.

Cardiac Catheterization

These days, balloon angioplasty has undergone many changes and allows you to treat many heart ailments. Below we present a variety of innovations in recent years in clinics in Israel. Frequent illness heart. 1. Atherosclerosis – the process of deposition of fat and cholesterol that occur mainly in smokers, diabetics, hypertensives and people suffering from high cholesterol. Atherosclerosis is manifested as consequence of stratification fat on the walls of blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the heart during physical activity or even at rest. Unexpected clogging of blood vessels leading to heart attack, and in some cases be fatal. Atherosclerosis is the most common disease and the leading cause of death in the western world.

2. There are also other factors affecting the functioning of the heart, including: genetic problems, age, high blood pressure and diabetes. 3. Cardiac valves are susceptible to inflammation or atrophy. These processes affect the spasms in the valves, and as a consequence, impaired blood flow. News in diagnostic cardiac catheterization.

Routine diagnostic cardiac angioplasty is held under the X-rays with the introduction of contrast material and shows the common blood vessels and their branches. At catheterization, we see the narrowing and clogging of blood vessels. Y some patients (who do not have accurate information about the degree of narrowing) introduced a special ultrasound probe (IVUS) in the arteries of the heart and to visualize the vessel walls. In recent years, hospitals have adopted Israel modern device (GRL), working on the basis of infra – red rays and allows the visualization of at least 10 times on the quality of ivus.