
When you hear a buzzing in the ear, and that does not disappear, it is very likely that you’ve heard the sound of tinnitus. If the sounds that you hear only last a few seconds or minutes, it is unlikely that case of tinnitus. The majority of people experiencing for the first time this disease occasionally hear in your ears like a roar, hum, hiss, or pinging. Men are more likely to have buzz in your ears than women. The hearing loss as age progresses is one of the main causes of this disease.

Sometimes, the hum can be heard in both ears and it can also be indicative of other diseases of the ear canal. Sometimes it may or not may need medical attention. Depends on the constancy and permanence of noises, and also other variables as variation extreme on volume of noise and other. In the majority of cases the ringing in the ears is more a nuisance than a serious problem. The good thing is that it is not necessary to cataloguing it as a disease, but perhaps as a warning about another problem that is being generated in the ear canal.

We live in a world where there is noise everywhere, so it is very easy to damage the inner ear by the constant noise exposure our daily life. It is estimated that there are more than 50 million people worldwide suffering from ringing in the ears. The problem is difficult to describe, since all people are going to interpret the sounds differently, but in some cases can lead to serious cases of insomnia. There are some people who suffer from chronic hum and others who simply hear sounds soft and almost so low that go unnoticed. The best way to avoid hearing damage is always using protective caps when you attend a concert or show, and be aware of the dangers and take into account that prevention is better than cure. Did you know that headphones used with high volume can be humming in the ears? An ear infection can cause hum. Also rooms with excess noise such as where aweapons of fire are tested or music to high intensity can result in lasting and harmful effects for your ears. There are some medicines, especially antibiotics, or large amounts of aspirin that can cause tinnitus. Allergies, high or low blood pressure, tumors, an injury to the head because of a strong blow, may also generate buzz in your ears. Do you want to get rid completely of tinnitus, truth? Do you want to be able to relax and enjoy your life, sleep quietly at night, and be happy again? Or not? Then to visit our site please CLICK here. You will find valuable information to get rid of the hum of ears naturally.


Well, that's such a stupid word for ideas as canned. It would seem, well, that may be common? Let's see: the idea of canned + = conservative idea + idea canned – (noun + adj.) – canned preserves the ideological ideas – (prilag. + adj.) – Canning idea idea in canned – (B) – Conservatives in the idea of the idea of canned food – (K) – Canned to idea idea in canned – (Y) – Conservatives in the idea of the idea of canned food – (C ) – Preserves the idea of the idea of canning – (OT) – preserves the idea of the idea of canning – (IZ) – preserves the idea of the idea of canned food – (NAD) – preserves the idea of the idea of a canned food – (POD) – canned at the idea of an idea for canned – (FOR) – canned for the idea of an idea without canned – (NO) – canned food without the idea of an idea in the form of canned food – (as) – canned food as an idea I think is very interesting, even ideological garbage turns out – do not you think? Ate canned food type – the idea was born! And why not. And what is the idea in the most canned food? Generally in the canned food just got an idea. Although there are ideas and not canned.

And it is probably a good idea to savor some idea under tins. That would have canned food such ideas, there would be great … And it's an idea … Preserve the idea … Ummm.

This preserves the ideas. These are canned obtained ideological. I think you can choose from here is something worthwhile. And in general just interesting combinations were obtained. There is something to think about … until you think so you can write a whole article on such ideological canned! Ample origninalny creative blockage is obtained and it is at least interesting and original – try it yourself. Well, if you do everything does not fit, or whatever you have got already exists or is already there, then you can always replace the second word in any other. Try and tell me what you got. Scope you know is not restricted, although not always wherever appropriate. Well, that's I think you will be able to identify themselves. Do not forget to just smile and remember my thoughts … I smile with you!


maternal alfafetoproteina and estradiol 15-21 weeks. no no Chromosomal abnormalities: a prediction of 65-75%, false positive – 25%, false negative – 5-10% of NTDs: prediction of 85-90% false positives 10% of non-aggressive: U.S. during the first trimester and a blood test for levels of PAPP and human horiotropicheskogo Genotropin 11-13 weeks. no no Chromosomal abnormalities: (trisomy, especially 15, 18, 21) prediction of 85-90% false positive – 10%, false negative – 5% Argessivny: Amniocentesis – Take a fetal cells in amniotic fluid 15-18 weeks. 1:300 miscarriage, rarely damage to the fetus infection Chromosome: 99% of NTDs: 99% Aggressive: analysis of chorionic villi (ABX) 10-12 weeks. 1:300 miscarriage, damage to limbs vagialnoe bleeding chenie Chromosome: 99% of DNT: Do not test pregnant women 35 years of age run a greater risk medical problems than younger people. Studies have been conducted that women between 35 and 39 years suffer preeklamsiey (high blood pressure) and gestational diabetes (a form of diabetes.

Which appears only during pregnancy) twice as likely as women who became pregnant by 20 to 30 years. A study was conducted of women conceive a child after 40 years, which compares them with women who conceived and 30 years: It was revealed an increase in operative delivery by caesarean section for women after 40 years. 47% of women who had a first pregnancy, underwent caesarean section. compared with women younger than 30 years who have cesarean section was only 22% sluchaev.Dlya women older than 40 years, but have second or third child, the risk of caesarean section was 26.9% – not so high, but still more than 17% of younger ones. There is no absolute certainty that the cause of greater frequency of caesarean section in mothers of a more mature age, but there are several plausible assumptions.

First of all muscles of the uterus may not work as effectively as in younger women. Second child often takes the wrong position, which makes the cesarean section safe choice for the birth of such babies. If you have successfully conceived, as well as a woman after 35 years, you will be asked a few tests to assess the normal development of your child. Ultrasound can detect congenital anomalies (birth defects, which may affect the anatomy of the fetus in the absence of genetic disorders). A blood test, called the analysis on motherly alfafetoprotein can predict certain chromosomal anomaly with an average level of accuracy. The only accurate way to test the fetus for genetic abnormalities is tested through invasive procedures, such as analysis of chorionic villi or amnitsentez. These funds can help couples prepare mentally and learn about special care for the child. However, in most cases they are used to make sure that the child's all good. Your biological clock may reward you easy conception and pregnancy, especially if you're over the years to maintain good health. Even if not kept, never too late to make changes for the better.

Background Information For The Novice Writer

Background information for the novice writer of 'tsova Text size people, publishers, – are strange people. If you are a publisher spprosyat – what is your size of the book and you will bleat – 'aa This Well there were three notebooks and one blonkotik, seven hundred sheets so '- you just do not understand. Publishers have the size of the book is in copyright pages. Authors list – it's 40 thousand characters with spaces. Minimum size of text – 400 thousand characters, or 10 sheets.

So – these writers believe in the signs – it usvoyte as the multiplication table. Not in kb and not in the pages – vordovskih or handwritten. For those who do not know – now tell you how to find these signs. To do this, remove the panel statistics. In a Word for top bar click on View -> Toolbars -> statistics. And, being a sign of health. Just to say that 400 thousand – which is the minimum size for the Pocket. For hard cover necessary for at least 100 thousand characters more.

Hurry all originally your book will publish it in the Pocket, it's often – usually for the detectives. Fantasy is often printed in hard cover – it means here and the text should be more. So, about the size of like everything? Proceed to the second stage. built in text publishing! So you've written a book, survived size and now you want to publish it. Commendable! Then I just had to make a reservation.

Pocket Filter Drinking Water

Coral – Mine (Coral – Mine) – pocket filter drinking water." Alters the properties of water: oxidation – reduction potential (ORP), surface tension, acid – base balance (pH), their approximate maximum to the characteristics of human blood, will make tap water of any quality "live", restores the liquid crystalline structure of water. Is a natural sorbent, which inactivates: heavy metal salts, organic natural toxins, chlorine and chlorine compounds (not only inorganic but also very difficult inferred organic nature). Enriches the water 70-th and a very important for the normal functioning of minerals in bioavailable form. Is a powerful antioxidant. Coral Calcium – it is fragmented into a powder fine fraction of the white coral skeleton Sango (Sango), inhabiting the Sea of Japan.

Mineral composition and structure of coral most similarity to structure and chemical composition of bones of the human body, making it unique in terms of use. White Coral Sango (Sango) – this is the only coral used in the healthcare industry. The modern history of the discovery healing qualities of coral water associated with the study of the phenomenon of long duration of life of people in the Japanese islands. Scientists – gerontologists noticed that people living in them have excellent health and Life expectancy there for 10-15 years bolshe., as a result of rigorous research, scientists had explained the reason for longevity of the islanders. Coral atolls, which are located on Okinawa and Tokunosima, mineralize water, calcium ions, producing her deep filtration. Today is the industrial extraction of Sango coral around the Japanese islands.

Buildings Spleen Vessels

In the literature available to us, we have not seen data on age-related changes and tectonic peculiarities of arterial spleen at different ages. Objective: to study age-related features architectonics of the spleen, as well as the capacity of the arterial bed is normal. When using X-ray method studied 19 postmortem radiographs spleen. Injection of blood vessels is carried out using lead carbonate by the method of PA Sokolov (1940-1957gg) at a ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 ingredients. As the contrast material was used as red lead, and the injection of spleen vessels infants and young children – Lead white, diluted with ether or benzene. In the analysis of postmortem angiography spleen revealed that the newborn is normal all parts of the arterial bed, including the pulp artery, uniformly filled with contrast agent. With increasing age of the child to the elderly significantly increases the diameter of the branches of the splenic artery 1 – 5 orders of magnitude. In old age, compared with the elderly, found significantly a slight decrease in diameter as the main trunk of the splenic artery and its branches 1 – 5 orders of magnitude.

Changing the diameter of trabecular and central arteries spleen with increasing age we found. Y newborn and early childhood in most cases a main branch of splenic artery type. In the infancy of the branches of 2nd order branch depart smaller than in the newborn. In these age periods have been identified malososudistye zone between the two forks adjacent secondary branches. In adolescence revealed elongation intraorganic branches of the splenic artery. Spleen appearance of marginal zone malososudistoy. In humans, elderly, and centenarians in vascular pattern on the periphery of the spleen becomes more rare, by reducing the diameter of the arteries intraorganic. At the same time an increase in the number and size malososudistyh zones as edge and in the basins of the branches of 23rd order. In some cases, there is an uneven staining intraorganic vessels spleen. Thus, the architectonic features intraorgannyh vessels of the spleen in age aspect related mainly to changes in quantitative characteristics, whereas in the study of blood diseases are prevalent qualitative changes. Surgery

Private Health Insurance Exchange

The amount of the reimbursement of the contribution gives information to the financial condition of insurers and Exchange helps change when choosing the right health insurance when changing private health insurance before of a private health insurance also the amount of the rebates of various health insurance plans may be manual. These be different levels namely depending on the provider and provide information about the financial state of the insurance undertaking. Insurers with a particularly high refunds at Nichinanspruchnahme of insurance services and stable contributions are preferable. The deadline for a PKV Exchange is November 30. At the end of the year, usually after the third quarter, the private insurance companies inform their policyholders about the amount of their annual rebates rebates of private health insurance. These are paid, if the insured person takes no services of its insurance claim within one year. The amount of the relevant premium refunds can be freely negotiated between insurers and insured persons. The refund maximum three month posts, so that some hundred euros may apply depending on the selected fare.

Almost all private health insurance companies use these models of the rebates to attract new customers and maintain existing customers. In some cases, the refund is also staggered, so that policyholders even get back money if you have visited their doctor only once or twice. The amount of the refund is calculated then annually from insurance and goes to the insured in these days. Thus, a healthy way of life will be rewarded twice: one by one through a life without disease, on the other hand by the refund of contributions. PKV computer before a planned Exchange of private health insurance to policyholders a free and independent online use private health insurance calculator and calculate potential contributions for all tariffs of all societies. Thus one receives a good overview of prices and tariff options. In addition, a comparison that is also free and non-binding can be requested. Is interested will receive the best and most powerful car tariffs to choose from.

Clinical Oncology

German summary onkoserv and HEXAL Oncology 5 years has the ASCO – the world’s largest scientific society of Oncology – at the end of the year, the most significant advances of the previous year together – also for 2009 (ASCO: clinical cancer advances 2009: J Clin Oncol 27 (2009) 6052-6069). In the areas of treatment, prevention and screening Congress lectures and publications are presented, which significantly changed the understanding of a particular tumor or but a major contribution to patient care. Also the largest European society of Oncology, ESMO (European society of medical oncology) has summarized the most important from their perspective events and progress of the last year for the first time this year (ESMO’s round-up of leading reports and analyses from 2009). onkoserv – the independent, daily, German-language information service for Clinical Oncology, announced the results of these two important publications – as usual briefly and succinctly summarized in german -, complemented by links and comments. On the page, subscription to registered subscribers / members requesting German summary as a PDF file.

The registration / membership is absolutely free for doctors in clinic or practice, the registration is done online in a few steps. the only daily independent, German-language information service for Clinical Oncology is onkoserv, the newsletter and database in one. Daily 3 current clinical studies phase II in concise, tabular summary are presented – of course in German language. The tabular representation allows a rapid admission of the presented data, the database easy to use a find again at any time. Since 2002, nearly 6000 studies with German tabular summaries are now alone in the literature database to research. Other features of onkoserv are a newsletter with messages from authorities (FDA, EMEA, RKI, etc.), Associations, research institutions and the industry as well as an always up-to-date database of Congress.

Traumatic Dreams Metapsychology

Dream and Trauma In 1920 Sigmund Freud wrote "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" and calls into question this theoretical stance of psychoanalysis. This text works specifically traumatic dreams, children's games, the repetition in transference and those events referred to as "target panic", as they all can be summarized in the repetition of the unpleasant. Freud turns to the study of traumatic dreams and questions about why, if the dream is a desire handling, leading to the subject again and again to the plight. Traumatic dreams are characterized by occur in people who have been determined by a traumatic event like an accident and where what is produced in the dream is the repetition of this traumatic event. Reads: "the dream life of the traumatic neurosis shows the character of redirecting the patient again and again to the situation of his accident, which awakens with renewed terror. The patient is, so to speak, mentally set to trauma.

"Thus Freud said that the traumatic dream is the one that contradicts the theory of the dream as wish-fulfillment, did not happen with anxiety dreams (nightmares) while still when these sleep function is to fail, the subject is awake and this operates as a defense against the emergence of trauma. Similarly, punitive dreams do they represent an obstacle to the theory, since these are wish-fulfillment replaced by the corresponding punishment prohibited. Traumatic dreams can not be seen as the fulfillment of desire but due to the repetition compulsion and that is that Freud states that "the original function would not eliminate sleep, by fulfilling the desire of disturbing motions, capable of interrupting motifs sleep, could only take over this function after all the soul-life principle accepted the rule of pleasure.

Seniors Travel Insurance, Have A Safe Trip

It is unfortunate truth: insurance premiums are based on risk, and as far as health insurance, statistically, the older you are more likely you are, with one or more of the diseases that can lead to the application. Most travel insurance offers travel insurance at premiums vary by age and duration of the trip. They do not take into account the medical history page. When you press it is already 50, not later than 65 insurance companies would so like to order their own health. This means that to buy a travel insurance, you must now answer a series of medical issues. Often, insurance broker or agent the form handling, you must check either \”yes\” or \”no\” to the various medical issues. Depending on the answers, you can set a daily rate category.

Multiple medical issues, the higher the premium. In addition, keep high premiums, schedule your condition in which the provider already exists, should therefore continue. In other words, up to 6 months in the already-existing, which requires that we might have been 7 months since I wanted to get coverage. If you have a greater risk to the insurer (or more conditions you have) already exist in the Schedule may be increased to 12 months. In this situation, provided that you were 7 months ago, is now regarded as already exists and therefore does not fall under way. Thesis plan are therefore not cover any conditions that the policy be \”already exists\”. Questionnaires can actually prevent you cover all together, you’ll be more than the comfortable scale of the insurance provider conditions. In this case the only option you have to assume what is medically known as a level. These medical plan do not just assume your age, trip duration, and whether you have certain conditions, but they will get the full personal health information, including things like height and weight into account, giving you to offer that is precisely tailored individual risk assessments.


Psychological sleep tips for adult sleep has become a problem for many professionals. Many wake up at night and can not go back to sleep from sheer brooding thoughts. The Verhaltenstherpaie and the sleep psychology provide good tips for peaceful nights. Can sleep at night and for recovery ability the get – for many adults a pipe dream now. The job stress makes people no longer sleep. According to health insurance reports is: each r third wakes up at night and can no longer fall asleep.

For many, thoughts then revolve around the work. But there are tips and tricks that are sometimes quite simple and yet Act. However, they do require a little usage, in particular preparation. The following tips to turn off in the overview are chronologically and divided. Prepare the shutdown properly. Ask yourself in the Office: what have I done today? What am I proud? What’s important for tomorrow? What is my plan? It is best if Write down the answers to these questions. Everything you write down on a sheet, is out of the head and can not bother you after work.

Establish a sleep ritual, E.g. a regular cup of coffee when he comes home. Prepare the sleep properly. Go not just in bed, but also develop a ritualized order. For example, by regularly with the dog going down the fresh air (will do well also your thoughts), then in the kitchen and look in the children from the right hand, then drink a delicious Cup of tea or the classic hot milk with honey, and disappear in the bathroom and change – everything day always same order. Indicated body and psyche: now he / she go right to bed. Prepare the sleep properly. Sleep with full head and twisted thoughts want – it may not work. Therefore: sit down one hour before going to bed outside (!) of the bedroom and write what moves you. As concrete. And then cut the piece of paper, or throw him in the fire. And then work up to going to sleep with pleasant things (no horror thrillers). Don’t worry about that you will be stirred up this – this phase (where you might even temporarily worse sleep) experience has shown that only 10 days. Then sleep you easier and better by. For more information and concrete offers to the switching off learning by Dr. Anne Katrin Matyssek, see. Recovery ability to train that is the only way to maintain mental health, very important and often (depending on the older we become, the more) If on the stress in the workplace (why always) nothing can change. Athletes know that: training stimuli make only stronger, if followed by a period of regeneration (relaxation) after a period of tension. The same is true for the ‘ normal service providers “. Only who really well at night can charge its battery is fit on the next day.

Private Health Insurance For Employees: Change In PKV Simplifies

PKV three – year period shall not apply to employees and clear the way for a change in the private health insurance. Latency for employees on a year shortened employees and workers in the private health insurance (PKV) employees, i.e. employee insurance and the way in the private Krankenversicherung (PKV) workers, has been blocked. To be able to get into a private health insurance company in the enjoyment of the full range of services, a waiting period had to be kept in a where on three consecutive calendar years a gross income had to be demonstrated by last at least 48.600 euro. This so-called “three – year” control in the car was for employees by the last Government in 2007 been introduced to prevent the influx of high-income and healthy employees and workers in the car. That prompted the exodus of those members from the statutory health insurance (GKV) in the private health insurance and thus the risk of the principle of solidarity which healthcare continuous Anhebeung of the insurance limit of initially 39.574 Euro Euro currently 48.600.

For the year 2010, raising the year working pay limit, short JAEG, is planned 49950 euro. But after planning the new black yellow coalition should no longer occur. On the contrary, a reduction of the year working pay limit to about 45,000 euros is to allow a change in the coveted private health insurance also employees and workers of the middle class. After the major constraints in which the PKV suffered from health insurance customer loss and cost increases, this is as a courtesy. Most recently the Association of private health insurance companies (PKV-Verband) about the imported and not compensatory PKV base fare and the regulation of retirement provisions complained. When a health insurance exchange so insured could take their savings retirement provisions in the new car, to stabilize the posts at the age. This change is for a large transfer of employees and workers in the private Take health insurance with them.

Change in the private health insurance and comparison of the PKV rates for employees and workers staff and workers who are already insured in private health insurance can make a change in their health insurance only in compliance with the notice period. Increasing contribution by the PKV is an exception. With the time input of a post boost has a so-called extraordinary right of termination each insured persons and can change the car without compliance with the notice period. A notice must be adhered by the law in the private health insurance even when changing. Also, the above mentioned circumstances come to the bear. A change of health insurance should be considered but always good. Especially in the age is often detrimental to change and not worth it. Under certain circumstances, a car can sense changes in young and healthy policyholders do. Here is a comprehensive comparison of tariffs for private health insurance for employees to recommend, individually appropriate and to determine policies that are both affordable and powerful. Here, nothing should be left to chance. A personal consultation and needs analysis by an independent insurance broker is hard to replace and can be used often free of charge and without obligation.

PCE Germany GmbH

Thermal imaging cameras can help to make clearly visible insulation problems and other abnormalities of the building. At the present time, it is known that our energy supplies are limited and thus very valuable now everyone. Thermal imaging cameras can help to make clearly visible insulation problems and other abnormalities of the building. Also, thermal imaging cameras are excellent for checking of solar systems, in-house maintenance and maintenance of machines and equipment in almost all industrial sectors. The advantages are also in this new thermal imaging camera PCE-TC 5 on hand, such as the ease of use, long battery life, the extensive scope of supply and the affordable price. With the created Thermographic images then targeted renovation measures can perform, to improve the quality of living and reduce incidental costs.

The PCE-TC 5 is vision including a thermal imaging camera and digital camera in one, the so-called dual”. The dual vision can be up to 4 Select temperature measuring points with adjustable levels of emission and a temperature difference between two points. Wamebildkameras are used mostly in the winter months, because high temperature differences between outdoor and indoor temperature must be given, to create effective images. Only in this way, you can clearly see where a real estate unnecessarily loses heat. Each temperature is represented in a different color to visualize the temperature distribution in the building at a glance. The warmest temperature areas appear white and the coldest blue.

Despite the temperature distribution, care should be taken that the buildings to be evaluated not before are been warmed up by the Sun. It is therefore recommended only early in the morning or late in the evening to use a thermal imaging camera. The exact location of the measuring field is made possible by a laser pointer of the thermal imaging camera. All recordings are stored on a SD micro card and can be edited immediately or later on the PC, with the help of a software. It is possible also all shots at the new PCE-TC 5 with voice comments, thanks to built-in voice recorder to demonstrate. The new thermal imaging camera PCE-TC 5 PCE Germany GmbH, helps the growing energy and costs, through the use of the thermal imaging camera, to reduce. More information under: technical data/thermal imaging camera pce-tc5.htm

The Reason For Using Mulch As A Method For Maintaining

In winter, we are not surprised when we see the fresh vegetables and fruits. Since even a child knows that there are greenhouses, through which the cold season you can grow plants. Of course, there is another way, thanks which counters covered with tomatoes, cucumbers and so on. True, this method has its drawback – lack of product quality. That is, in order to preserve the freshness of products grown in warm weather year, they 'cut away' various harmful substances.

Therefore, this method, we will not discuss. Greenhouses and more preferable because it excludes a devastating impact on the fertile soil from wind and sun. AND you know, that when the street is hot, the soil suffers, and when severely cold. But as it turns out, not only can save greenhouse useful properties of the soil, but mulching will help in this. Mulching – what is it it? The name refers to the process of representing a variety of materials obrabatyvanie cover. In addition, it helps save you time and effort.

After carrying out such activities weeds peers for a long time cease to grow, and grow much slower long-term. With the property for a long period to maintain moist soil, mulching materials do more than regular watering. And so this feature is realized, need this kind of material lay directly after a rain or watering. This method has the advantage that lies in the fact that the soil is not very hot in summer but not much ice-free, thereby preserving the roots perennials. Another advantage – mulch can protect plants from diseases and some pests. For example, you can say goodbye to pesky moles. It is important to note, are very suitable conditions land to grow worms and as a consequence of land will be much more friable. Naturally, many think that simply do not need fertilizer, if you use mulch, but in fact mineral fertilizers and other simple needed as mulch – this is only a partial 'complementary feeding' of the soil. So give up other nutrients is not necessary.

The Purpose Of Autogenic Training

It is quite clear: the problem of character and intellectual abilities in our eyes are often more significant partial physical health disorders. Not accidentally, and Schultz, the founder of the at technique, considered the AT-1, only the introduction of AT-2. However, it is impossible to master the highest level of at, without examining methods of AT-1. Deliberately to influence the emotional sphere can not only mastered the autonomic responses are all manifestations of higher nervous activity has its biochemical and physiological nature. Methodological consistency in at can be broken without prejudice to its outcome. Schultz thought the complex AT-2 core, mostly. However, this "home" at not succeed: 45 years, she has not received any significant proliferation, while the AT-1 is widely used around the world.

The reason for this in the wrong methodological basis shultsevokoy AT-2, it is rather cumbersome and excessive complexity of techniques and, more importantly, in its ultimate failure. AT-2, according to Schulz, is based on visualization of concepts and is nothing like an original autopsiho analysis. So what should someone who wants to continue training at a higher level? Do the following simple exercise: achieving autogenous dive, imagine that you are going to unfrequented avenue or alley. Act of walking to imagine with all the imaginable detail. However, you can go, changing tempo and rhythm of walking. Here and join in with this, mentally changing the characteristic distance. Very comfortable doing it, recalling the appropriate music. And if you're starting with a slow "Leading the" under smooth waltz tune, speed up the steps at a pace stately march, and then dancing under the foxtrot, you will notice that depending on the chosen tempo change your breathing, pulse, and to some extent your mood. Change the tempo and rhythm of movement and change the tempo of mental processes, the pace of experiences.

Learning Management System LMS

Decision makers, students and coaches alike benefit a Lernerfolgskontrolle, exchange of information and documents – short LMS is used in companies, institutions and schools today in the most diverse applications, including cooperative learning, course management, preparation and management of distance education, learning management system. Thereby, the LMS offers numerous advantages both for the learner and the trainer. Decision makers are convinced by low initial investment and quick training times. For learners participants intuitively usable good contact and diverse communication with participants and trainers, notification of news by email or RSS feed promotion of active engagement with the lessons interactive, collaborative learning team work in the own anytime independent learning with the direct support of coach or learning for trainers, instructors, teachers benefit from other learners simple design learning units use already existing materials, documents, and media learning a variety of activities to choose from different test – and testing modules communicate with the learning group and individual participants overview of the activities of the participants flexible design of the learning process, short-term change possibilities depending on the learning progress of the Group at any time no programming skills required reusability of courses and learning units exchange of lessons and courses with colleagues easily possible. Import function for test duties export function for assessments to decision-makers low initial investment can launch with little time required existing Lehrgangs-and teaching concepts integrated low TCO costs (total cost of ownership) are low training requirements

Community Management

UK Festival season. Festival app reaches new record Munich, October 15, 2013 Vodafone is in the UK for several years for unforgettable festival. “” “The company occurs at the Open-Air events Isle of Wright” Download “, Hard Rock Calling” and Yahoo! wireless “not only as one of the main sponsors. “A special information and Unterhaltungsapp was created for each of the four music festivals: the Festival app – powered by Vodafone”. For the care of the applications Vodafone UK took the Airmotion community team already for the third time in a row with the boat. The Munich-based content and community specialist was responsible for the moderation of user generated content, the apps during the festival days in June and July 2013. And that with full success, because the applications were for festival-goers in the course: a new record compared to the previous years was achieved with more than 110,000 downloads; In addition a very high user rating from an average 4.7 out of 5 stars in the app store.

With the free Festival app powered by Vodafone”offered users of Android, iOS and BlackBerry devices a wide range of services: information about the band line up, a mapping feature, a personal Festival Planner, links to popular social media applications and photo sharing sites. In the latter, users could upload their own pictures of the Festival and make available to the community. The four multi-day festivals attract each year total a quarter of a million visitors and are among the largest and most prestigious festivals of the island. The submission numbers with which the Airmotion community team faced during the twelve days were correspondingly high: about 2,100 incoming user photos tested the staff nearly in real time, including with sandblasted image texts (author postings and user names). Most of the content and user photos could be published in the community and an authentic picture of the festivals.

Next Level Information Management

To improve information management of next-generation strategic partnership by exorbyte and InovoOlution to the information management and to automate the industry specialists exorbyte and InovoOlution enter a strategic partnership. The integration of intelligent and error-tolerant search and matching engine MatchMaker in the NOVO information platform improve key processes, in particular the classification, extraction, indexing and mapping and search. Both partners benefit: through the combination of both systems and the transfer of know-how from projects the problems in intelligent information processing be resolved better. Thomas Schneider, Managing Director of InovoOlution GmbH: A more efficient data synchronization is essential in the management of information. “Exorbyte technology improves the performance of our products continue our customers even more customized solutions from a single source.” Benno Nieshaem wall, CTO added exorbyte GmbH: MatchMaker is in the Input management at home and improved the automation rates thanks to error-tolerant, matching treffsicherem significantly. In addition, we serve the same customer segments, such as insurance companies, banks and authorities. By the each very good industry knowledge we can learn from each other and further close remain on the market in the product development.” From 24 to 26 September 2013 at the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart, visit InovoOlution and experience the NOVO information platform with the exorbyte integration. The docFORUM booth offers an ideal platform for live demos and individual interviews.

Take the opportunity to come with the experts in the conversation. About exorbyte search & matching must be intelligent, accurate and lightning fast. Without exception. Without limitation. exorbyte can do exactly that. Matchmaker, the leading, fault-tolerant search & backfill platform for the huge amount of master data.

The system thinks, seeks and finds a man, only extremely faster and with far more complex constellations. Also in the cloud. Federal authorities, insurance companies, ICT companies and co. use MatchMaker as central data quality server, input management, CRM, and other data-intensive business processes easier customization and integration. Proven productivity. Who else can do that? InovoOlution InovoOlution offers powerful, platform-independent state-of-the-art solutions and services for the optimization and automation of mail processing. The portfolio serves all major input channels (letter, fax, E-Mail, E-letters, de-mail, etc.) and combines the technologies of leading software manufacturers as well as the own products of the NOVO product family in itself. The core functions of the NOVO product family include inter alia the classification/categorization, indexing, and legally compliant and rule-compliant archiving/depositing of incoming documents of any kind. The solutions are scalable and fast return on investment. Supported by our strong soft skills and our comprehensive industry know-how we go with our customers in partnership hand in hand.

President Management

BME – / 2013 ConMoto logistics survey: what are the central areas of influence of value-oriented logistics? 139 Top managers gave their assessment from Munich. What are value-oriented Logistics Central spheres of influence and where the company today? The Federal Association of materials management, purchasing and logistics e.V. (BME) and the ConMotoConsulting group have studied the degree of professionalism the chargeable company in a joint survey. 139 Executives from nine industries gave their assessments. For Dr. Thomas Uhlig, President global supply chain management of Trelleborg Sealing solutions, is one long been clear: the logistics has a significant importance for ensuring and improving the competitiveness of companies and the future.

At the same time, our logistics is value driver and engine of growth. Value-oriented to make the logistics activities and to manage, led to a sustainable increase of the company’s success.” Total view: influencing factors: in the context of the BME – / ConMoto survey gave decision makers from nine Branchenclustern a self assessment of their logistics off. The condition assessment made by the top managers on the basis of key impact areas provides an overview in the maturity model developed by ConMoto value-oriented logistics (level 1 fragmented”until level 6 Agil/adaptive”). This layered approach is the concentrate of years of project and management experience in the field logistics and supply network management”, so Prof. Dr.-ing. Andreas R. Voegele, managing partner of the ConMoto consulting group and long-time member of the BME Federal Executive. The total score of all companies and sectors is satisfactory”(rated 3.1, i.e.

level 4 of the maturity model), where the spreading in the transcript is significant. Some companies are far behind and have a lot more policy work to do while others Act already very professionally. Industry comparison: In the overall evaluation of all central areas of influence the cluster’s trade/consumer goods sector compared the nine categories examined the Tip (see Figure 1).

Pain Management

While the term depression has been in common use in people who tend to not take this topic seriously, it is a very serious condition that can jeopardize the life of one. Depression is very difficult. Our normal duties, may weaken even more everyday tasks such as getting out of bed or eat breakfast are apparently difficult. It is sad to think that many depressed people are not receiving treatment due to the high costs of therapy. However, cope with depression might even without professional help if you know the management of depression. Here are some things that can help people cope with depression, it is important to note, however, that professional therapy is still very valuable in major depression.

These steps are only suggestions to alleviate the condition. Staying active is a way to get the mind of depression. Firstly, activities help to distract people from whatever is causing the depression and also helps to channel unused energies that accumulate when you are depressed. Staying active also releases endorphins natural reinforcements of mood that somehow encourage people. It is also important to take a break. Depression can be very stressful, so it is essential to recover the strength and energy to deal with depression. Relaxation techniques can help you to be more in tune with yourself and be more at peace.

Depressed people should also express their emotions. Depression is usually repressed emotions. People who are mourning may be prone to depression if they keep your emotion in themselves. A lot of people prevents cry because he believes it may be a sign of weakness. However, it is important to mourn because it releases emotions. To express feelings, avoided making ventilation to own anger catharsis doing something violent as boxing, breaking things, and the like. The catharsis does not release an emotion, especially the anger. On the contrary, makes a practice of violence as an expression of emotion, and may therefore be very dangerous. Go out with friends and loved ones. People depressed necesidan have much support. Other people can distract one of the stress factors. Finally, it is important to believe in yourself. It is important to satisfy yourself and gain a sense of self-esteem. It is good to do something that makes you happy. Give priority to the self can help one to believe that life itself is important and can be enjoyed. Be gentle with yourself is one of the most important steps to move away from a depressive state. The handling of the depression is possible and supposed to be responsible for oneself. When it’s depression however, it is important to not rush. Sadness does not disappear overnight, it takes time to return to standing. Little by little, one can out of the depression and have a normal life once again.