Dale Carnegie

Other authors such as Carnegie published in his book How to win friends and inflir on people who only We use 15% of our brain, I say something the reality is that every one who sees the world as you want. I am not against any author or scientist, I only write in my experience and research. What follows are two reasons why is suspected on history of ten percent. (For a more complete and detailed, analysis reads the chapter of Barry Beyerstein in new book MIND MYTHS: EXPLORING EVERYDAY MYSTERIES OF THE MIND 1999). 1.-Research brain imaging techniques such as PET (positron emission tomography) scrutinisers and the (fMRI) functional magnetic resonance imaging) clearly show that the vast majority of the brain not inactive. It is true that although certain minor functions used only a small part of the brain at any given time, any set of complex enough activities or deep thoughts used many parts of the brain. Just as people do not use all your muscle groups at the same time, neither is used only once throughout the brain.

For a given activity, as eating, watching TV, making love or read these lines, you can use specific parts of your brain. But in the course of a day is complete, the entire brain is used at one time or another. How is it going. You want to point 2. Here is (human mind): 2.-the myth presupposes an extreme localization of functions in the brain. If necessary or used parts of the brain were scattered to the rededor of the organ, it would imply that much of the brain is in fact necessary. But the myth implies that the used part of the brain is an inconspicuous area, and the unused portion is like an appendix or a tonsil, taking space but essentially unnecessary.

But if all those parts of the brain are not used, then remove or damage this unused portion of the brain should not cause any problem, or at least any little minor problem. But people who have suffered trauma to the head, an attack, or other brain damage, are often severely incapacitate. You’ve ever heard to a did doctor tell: but fortunately when the bullet entered his skull, 90 per cent of his brain that does not use only harm?. Clear that do not. The human mind is so impressive that gives us to talk about this and much more, therefore I invite you to that you realize that our brains of entrepreneurs is not limited by anything and everything if everything is possible, the limit is our imagination. Finally, we can continue writing words, but I think I’ve understood the point, I invite you to leave me a comment if this information you to served something and help me to share it.

The Gallbladder

Of them, about 50% is estimated at carrier’s silent calculations. It is difficult to know for certain this proportion, because there are disorders gastrointestinal and urinary tract that can cause confusion as to the origin of abdominal symptoms in pregnancy. Undoubtedly, vesicular lithiasis is a usual pathology that affects women three to four times more than the man and one of the known predisposing factors is pregnancy, because bile that forms is thicker and, therefore, more litogenica7, 8, 12. MATERIAL and methods the study was conducted in the service of diagnosis by images of the Virgin clinic of the pillar of the city of Trujillo, Peru. Included 292 pregnant women at different stages of the gestation, in which, in addition to evaluating the characteristics of the pregnancy, the gallbladder was studied. The research was conducted in two times. The first part examined 60 consecutive patients, between June 24 and September 9 in the year 2000; in the second part were examined 60 patients, between June 2 and September 15 in the year 2001.

All the studies were conducted with a team of ultrasound Medisson 5000 Sonoet brand, with 3-5 Mhz of real-time convex transducer. Asked the patients that they come to study in six hours fasting. The obstetric examination was performed according to the Protocol that is followed in the service of diagnostic imaging, which includes, inter alia, assessment of the skull, neural arch and morphological characteristics of the fetus, biparietal diagnosis, length of the femur, heart, abdomen, amniotic, placenta. Once completed the obstetric evaluation, exploration spread the gallbladder in whose study is reversed in two or three minutes maximum. It must be noted that at the request of the treating physician, not intentionally sought the presence of vesicular disease and most of the patients were asymptomatic. Figure 1. Gestation in studied population (n = 120) results the average age of the patients was 27.

Healthy Relationships

You know, to follow the natural scale of love and make the principle materializes into action, the feeling of doing the right thing, accepting your own mistakes and the mistakes of others, assess the differences, created in you the ability to feel good. By way of brief x-ray: feeling good is born know you do the best you can do (the action of the verb), and your actions are born than you think more steadily, from your proper understanding of the principle. When you feel good is because you have correct thoughts and doing the right things. When your state of mind changed, then the best thing you can do is examine what are thinking and doing and whether this is in keeping with the principle to follow: love does simple? Yes, in fact, is very easy to put it on paper (or on the blog page), but it requires real value live this way. And the reason why I write about this is that together we start this journey, because I consider myself as a person who has reached this ideal of life, just because I write about him in any way. Day to day.

This trip is a daily affair. Every day our privilege is to love high fashion and this will produce true feelings of love, value, safety, peace, goodness, among others. We will not wait for us to others do well, but that we will take the initiative because we know that it is the best and because we feel so good about ourselves our self-affirmation comes from inside, already no more than outside. Now we can make a difference. We have the necessary knowledge and have the power to practice it. Now it is just a matter of us decide to live the love as a principle, to living excellence.


The cephalometry is a fundamental study to be performed by professionals for orthodontic treatments. The same diagnosis is indispensable in order to assess the treatment plan to perform, and thus give the patient a good orientation on the same. In this type of study, you can observe the causes of skeletal pathologies and dysfunctions as scissor bite, bites open; Since the results cefalometicos will give us a diagnosis of mandibular skeleton of the patient. It is the procedure by which a facial abnormality is identified. In orthodontics, the diagnosis is the basis for any therapeutic decision. A correct diagnosis requires varied elements, organized and studied will lead us to deliver the best treatment to our patients. A proper study of the cephalograms defines the type of profile of each patient. With ell, we define the type of facial pattern and also tooth pattern.

This is the basis for the realization and treatment planning. Therefore the x-ray cephalometric within orthodontics is the most important part of the diagnosis. What data does the cranial measurement studies? When a study is made of such a patient for any dental treatment, is watching with the study the harmony of the face, profile, the anatomy of the facial skeleton, etc. And with all these data, it is much easier and more practical to make a treatment plan, which will include not only retail therapy in itself, but which may also modify facial aesthetics in general. The analysis of this study of the skull gives us an exhaustive study of the profile of the patient that can be characterized in 3 different types profile Brachycephalic: mandibular angle is almost straight, and therefore used more strength for chewing. The masseter muscle is wider than usual, which gives the face a compressed appearance. Dolicocephalic profile: Facial heights are increased and the face seems rather elongated. Has more easily for Chew since mandibular angle is increased.

Mesocefalo profile: Is the profile that should have a patient who does not need any orthodontic treatment, since the angle and chewing are absolutely normal. The vast majority of professionals who are dedicated to orthodontics patient requested that this study be undertaken, but not many of the dentists know interpret it correctly. And no, just ask the cephalometry to avoid later problems with respect to malpractice. What many professionals do not consider in any type of treatment plan, is that you there are different specific pathologies needing a plan, that if not carried out at the time, then it will be an irreversible case, both for the dentist and the patient. Of course, at present, different types of cephalograms, from the most common ones that give only a general response, where the result will be more generic, as advanced in which more specific patient data are obtained. Why is the a professional who must recommend the place where this study, based on the needs you may have will be practiced.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is the blood pressure in the blood vessels that is consistently higher than normal. Blood pressure is measured in domestic animals if an underlying illness is suspected, if the animal is more than nine years, or if you have problems of vision or blindness. A careful physical exam, which includes checking the heart, nervous system and kidneys along with a complete medical history will be made. Measures are in a similar way to humans, in the front leg of the animal, or sometimes tail. What causes high blood pressure? It occurs as a result of narrow arteries and various underlying diseases such as chronic renal failure, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, Cushing, diabetes, polycythemia, glomerular disease disease or chronic renal, which can also contribute to high blood pressure is missing. Common symptoms and signs that indicate that your dog or cat can have high blood pressure includes blindness, pupils dilated, swollen kidneys, disorientation, weakness on one side of the body and legs, seizures, gland of palpable thyroid, blood or protein in the urine, murmurs of the heart or high blood pressure. It affects dogs and cats.

To maintain the health of your pet, you should check your blood pressure regularly by your veterinarian. If high blood pressure is caused by an underlying disease and untreated, the heart, the kidneys, the nervous system and eyes may be affected. Diagnosis of stress high blood a standard blood-pressure measuring instrument is used to check the pressure. Blood pressure in animals is measured from three different arterial systolic, diastolic medium and medium between them. The normal blood pressure of a dog or a cat generally depends on the breed and the age of the animal. For dogs, the normal blood pressure reading is 147 / 83 mm Hg while that in cats is 160 / 100 mm Hg.

Pets come to excite very often when your blood pressure should be measured and an inaccurate reading is taken. As a result, your veterinarian can do that they are repeated blood pressure measurements to confirm the diagnosis. Additional tests such as x-rays, blood test or ultrasound may be also ordered to determine the underlying cause of hypertension. Help for high blood pressure your veterinarian will prescribe medications such as beta blocker or blocker of calcium channels to treat high blood pressure. In the case that blood pressure is extremely high, hospitalization may be required. Certain changes in the way of life for your pet can be recommended and these include a diet low in sodium and a weight loss program. Holistic and natural remedies natural treatments have proven to be highly effective in balancing the blood pressure in beings humans and domestic animals. Treatments such as herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies can support safely and effectively the total health and well-being of your pet. Herbal and homeopathic ingredients such as Crateagus oxycantha (Hawthorn), Arnica montana, Kalium phosphate and Calcium fluoride containing cardiotonic properties, they support a healthy blood pressure, the health of the heart and nervous system.

Renewable Energies

Does photovoltaics have a future? It is a marginal technology? energy efficiency is the workhorse that no attention is paid?. To these and other questions will respond high and clear Pere Negre, Director of engineering of SunEnergy, the Spanish business group of renewable energies, in a practical seminar organized by mundoFranquicia consulting, renowned consultant franchises, and destined for entrepreneurs who are thinking to start a business with much pull as well as for anyone who wants to learn more about this sector. Shedding light on quotation SunEnergy will make a clear x-ray of a niche market of high profitability. As experts in renewable energies will offer a description of which is currently affecting the sector of renewable energy at the level of small and medium enterprises, and to where goes in the coming years. We flying light on those less clear aspects and discuss the prejudices and myths that exist about this sector, says Negre. These are some of the questions that will be resolved: actually generates more electricity than was used in the own manufacture of panels? -The market for thermal solar installations as the construction sector itself stands so? Are not there other applications that heat water? Is the micro-cogeneracion a key solution to increase this efficiency in existing buildings? Are biomass boilers a real alternative to the conventional gas or diesel?

Michael Lewis

These scholars, from time series, detected the existence of an inverse relationship between democracy and poverty. To greater poverty, less democracy, or, put another way; rich countries would show stronger democracies, while those under-developed or developing nations would present democracies more fragile, broken or systems of Governments with absolutistic regimes. These conclusions can be constantadas part of a random sample of rich and poor nations. We could establish a direct relationship between GDP per capita (leaving the complexity of the term development for a moment) and democratic level of quality. This surface scan gives at least one elementary idea: stable and developed democracies generally boast a gross domestic product per capita of more than USD 1000.

The linkages between development and democracy have been studied since the middle of last century. Sociologist and American politician Semour Martin Lipset, already by the year 1959, in his book political man (2), argues that wealth favors the emergence of democracy, since more wealth means less conflict distributive and therefore less pressure on the political system. Wealth, argued, also favors the growth of base the middle class and education, all of which softens the social conflicts and generates an equality that promotes democracy. Other findings resulting from the work of the pair of academico-investigadores Michael Lewis-Beck and Ross Burkhart are that, although economic development would lead to the emergence of democracies, these, by themselves, do not lead to economic growth and the reduction of poverty. Low levels Educational, characteristic of groups immersed in poverty, infeasible formations of members well informed and predisposed for the democratic organization. There are also streams opposing proposed by Lipset, above the concept of democratic State to economic stability and even rank him as a requirement to achieve the growth and proilferacion of the economy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), in its 2005 World Economic Outlook report argues that the transition towards economic institutions of good quality is more likely to occur in countries that are more open, have a greater obligation to political accountability () and are located in the same region than others that have relatively good institutions.

Systems Points

Access control systems facilitate the task of controlling rights of entry or use of certain particular inside a building areas, as well as information systems to the authorities of a particular institution. In general, it is considered to control systems of accesoss as a second layer in the security of a physical structure. In addition, access control systems can be physical or digital. Digital, are generally responsible for safeguarding the security of networks, limit or deny access to certain files, data, applications or other resources in an information system or a network of computers. A lot of security companies is responsible for providing these services. Physical access control systems to a group or a person controlling entry to certain areas within a facility or information stored on a computer. In terms of physical security, there are many components related to this type of systems.

An access control point control points It can be a door, a tourniquet, an elevator, the entrance of a parking lot or any other barrier where access must be authorized or denied. Most access points are the doors and can be controlled by electric locks. These locks are not handled by human operators, but by an electronic reader that determines the level of accessibility that is awarded to the visitors. Readers are many different types of readers who are used to control access points. Readers can use biometric to scan fingerprints, use boards for entering a password, or be used to read cards. Advances in networking technology developed over the past decade have led to increased use of IP readers.

Readers of control, generally do not take decisions, but yes they transmit information to a control panel where the appropriate level of access is checked. Control panels usually, control systems are based on the model hub and spokes, where readers are circulating as nodes around a center that is the own panel. Readers communicate with control panel via RS485 serial connections. Currently there are IP-based systems. This type of system uses standard networking and advanced computer programs to verify and evaluate the entry into access points. Integration of systems of control in addition to the above components listed, access control systems can be integrated with a wide variety of alarm systems. Alarm systems can be combined with control points extending coverage to prevent the misuse of some object. Fire alarm systems can be integrated with control points of accesoss to help a rapid evacuation in an emergency.


In the current market, with many companies, technologies and prices, choose the correct cell phone can seem a complicated project, so many options and models can be confusing, but with a focused analysis and an understanding of the key points to consider, it is much easier to make a decision, in this article we will review the features major review in the purchase process of a team as well as a method of decision which simplifies the process. First, it is important to focus our selection range starting with the first key variable to consider, which affects all the other variables in the analysis, the initial question is: how much I am willing to pay for a cell phone? Once defined this, can a scan be more focused and practical points to consider. After you determine the target price range, it is important to make a list of the features and functions that we look for in our team as well as others which may be optional for a then sort them on a scale of importance. Some questions that can help us to determine what the main characteristics that our team should have might be the following: how will I use the phone primarily?, what are the most important features for me?, aesthetics or function?, the camera? Surf the internet and send emails?, do calls when visiting other countries? Listen to music?, edit Excel documents?, among others that depend on our needs and individual preferences. After defining the characteristics and important functions for us, it is useful to make a list and sort it in order of importance. Then, find several models that meet your requirements and preferences within the established budget. Investigating pros and cons of the models chosen in the previous step (reputation, reviews and online buyers, recommendations, etc.) And finally choose the option that you consider most suitable according to your selection criteria.

Digital Dentistry

X-ray examinations provide valuable information that helps your dentist to assess your oral health.With the help of x-rays (the term for photographs taken with x-rays), your dentist can watch what is happening under the surface of your teeth and gums.If you have questions about the examination of dental x-ray, talk with your dentist. Since many diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue cannot be observed with total clarity. An examination of X-rays can help reveal: Small areas of decay between teeth or below existing restorations (fillings); Infections in the bone; Periodontal (gum); Abscesses or cysts; Abnormalities in the development; Some types of tumors. Detect and treat dental problems at an early stage can save time, money and unnecessary hassles.X-rays can help your dentist find problems in your mouth that otherwise would not be. The advantage of rays X panoramic is the clear and detailed image of all the mouth in a single sweep.Therefore the fundamental disadvantage of intraoral x-ray images, is that only a few cloves are represented.New panoramic x-ray equipment offer images of a revolutionary quality, thanks to continuous technological development.They have the unique technology of auto-focus for when the patient is not correctly positioned.

The benefits are well known: x-rays help dentists diagnose relatively common disorders, such as caries, periodontal disease and infections.Without this ability to see the inside of a tooth and under the gums, the disease is not controlled in time, making the patients to experience more pain and discomfort, making that more teeth can lose, because proper treatment failed to start on time. In addition, if x-rays x-rays are not taken, work can be compromised and will lead to more costly and complicated in a later stage procedures. .For these reasons, dentists consider x-rays as one of the best diagnostic tools to help patients maintain good oral health. I have been enjoying the benefits of digital x-ray dentistry for several years.My patients appreciate the very limited radiation exposure, the ability to quickly see their x-rays on a computer screen and the time saved during your appointments with the dentist due to the efficiency of digital x-rays.My staff and I also appreciate the saving factor of x-ray digital time, but more importantly that we appreciate the clarity and quality of these x-rays from a diagnostic point of view. Along with new sensors of rays X has come an update to a software loaded from medical benefits to patients.These computers can be of various brands. The most well-known are the Nomad and Instrumentarium. This new technology allows the dentist to enhance images and I expanded the areas of interest so that the patient can see with clarity what the doctor prescribes and why. It even allows to outline decomposition using a circle of color in the image.It is important to make it clear to patients the need for treatment and the ways in which we intend to improve your dental condition.I am very happy and proud to offer this new technology in my dental practice and I hope you like my patients also this commitment to quality.

Pets And Plants: In Summer Can Not Stay Alone

C.RIZZO / every year around this time, many Spaniards will pose the same questions: what do we do with plants?, where I leave my pet? In Madrid there is a hotel to host our plants during the holidays. Plants and pets face in summer to one of their worst moments of the year: holidays. If we do not have the collaboration of a family member or a trusted neighbor, in the case of the former it is more than likely that on our return they are in a catatonic state. To avoid this, nothing better than stay in a hotel. A hotel for plants, well understood. A service is pioneer in Spain that has launched, until August 31, a popular shopping centre in Madrid. For next year it is likely that it is installed in other parts of the country. The project consists of accommodation free of charge to all legal indoor plants that have less than a metre and a half sized to give them all kinds of comforts: daylight, ser Vice for gardening, irrigation, fumigated and option of pruning.

As soon as they receive plants undergoes them a check-up to see his State of health. The idea was to make a hotel of plants, but has become a sanatorium, says, amid laughter, responsible, since there are people who have led them some very sick. Thanks to a few webcams, owners can keep track of your plants through hotelparaplantas.com. They are something more than a decorative element, they explain. Tips for our plants and pets while these establishments become is more popular, what can we do with our companions of the plant world? If we leave them alone at home, we put them in a place almost in darkness, because thus the plant needs less water. The street Windows have to be closed.

And it should let buckets with water to create humidity. On the return trip, if they are badly deteriorated, before returning them to their conventional place, submerged in water for a couple of minutes and should make a pruning to trim the most damaged part. The toughest indoor plants are Brazil trunk, palms and the dracenas. Which is least enduring are all those that have flower. Dogs and cats do not have to be a nuisance during the holidays. If you want to avoid that they stress with much change, the residences are presented as an alternative. There are throughout the geography and include food and lodging. The price is around 15 euros per day with a minimum of 2 to 3 days of stay. See residenciasanimales.com to find residence in all Spain. Transit International The Pet Inn Royal, at the airport in Narita, Tokyo, is a hotel that meets the needs of the animals with pampering (hair salon, gym, veterinarian) and is intended for people in air traffic since 2005. Chateau Poochie, Florida, has flat screens and kingsizeen beds rooms, in addition to spa, fitnesscenter, manicure, boutique in Spain there are very basic hotels (room only) and others, like mascohotel.com, which include a bed for the animal, toys, daily walks source of the news: pets and plants: in summer not be they can stay alone

Chronic Hypertension

Chronic Hipertenso is the arterial pressure above of 140×90 mmHg before the twentieth week of gestation. The DHEG is characterized, beyond rise of the sanguineous pressricos levels, by the presence of proteinria and edema generalized, initiates after 20 week of gestation, and with these symptoms is classified as daily pay-eclmpsia (Valadares Grandson et al, 2000). When irritability of Sistema Nervoso Central occurs (SNC) has as consequncia the convulsions it eats and it, being then called eclmpsia (Arajo et al, 1998; Alencar Jr, 2000). Alencar Jnior (2000) divides the daily pay-eclmpsia in: Light Daily pay: characterized for bigger or equal arterial pressure 140×90 mmHg, or 30 increase of mmHg in the sistlica pressure, or still 15 increase of mmHg in the diastlica pressure; edema that it does not yield to the rest and proteinria. Serious Daily pay: 160×110 is characterized for bigger or equal arterial pressure mmHg, or with appearance of any another premunitrio signal of eclmpsia. Alencar Jnior (2000) points, still, the premunitrios signals of eclmpsia: Chronic headache, mental confusion, confusion of the vision, epigastralgia or pain in the right hipocndrio; Syndrome HELLP (anemia hemoltica? H? ; raised hepticas enzymes? el? ; trombocitopenia, or plaquetas below of 100.000/mm? ' ' lp); Proteinria (3g or more in 24h); Oligria (less than 450 ml/24h); Pulmonary Edema, cianose; Hemoconcentrao. The modified pressricos levels, when perceived for the health team, must be confirmed in, at least, two measures, with the gestante in rest (Schirmer et al, 2000). Orra, Silva and Muniz (1994) show that in atypical pictures they can be found hemlise, hepticas enzyme trombocitopenia and rise, characterizing Syndrome HELLP, above cited, that it means I aggravate for the deteriorizao of the organic functions maternas, demanding immediate resolution of the gestation. According to Cabral, Costa and Cabral Jr (2003), the childbirth Caesarean type passed to be used in order to diminish the indices of infantile morbimortalidade materna and in the case of the DHEG and other complications.

Howard Young

It would conquer its victims they would attract and them until a death trap. It cogitated that the protagonist would be a fool and searched the name of a syndrome to justify its acts and to attract the reader most demanding. It would emphasize the embroidery frames of the inherent feelings to the personages, having lead the captive reader for the form plot to pressure to it in to continue. It was thus, arquitetando the barbarous crime, that if approaches to one jovenzinha of only thirteen years of age that inhabited building the same. She was the most beautiful creature whom already it had seen. The girl was blond, had the blue-clear eyes, already a magnificent woman of satiated seios and formoso body sprouted in itself. Initially Howard if gets passionate for the girl, following to it the steps as if it was its bodyguard; after that she perceived that the young woman was of namoricos with two or three youngsters, always argued with the mother and were energy disobedient. As she imagined, this would be the justification of the homicide, it she killed those that seemed to represent a problem to the society, with vices and without admonitions.

Therefore she did not feel more remorse for the assassnio plan and judged themselves beyond writer, hired killer. She repairs the severity of this crime that story. The famous writer Howard Bottom finishes to incorporate the perverse personage who creates. A time it tangles the history of a maniac estuprador; then what our author would not have made this? Today they give arrepios to me to My face, the case is that you are very libertine! made affability very to it to very sight tears and, much blood of that young, before esbelta and desired. That pretty that you are! ‘ ‘ It admired to it for a long period.

Panic Attacks

Who suffers with the syndrome of the panic, needs to understand the process of formation of the panic reactions, so that then it can have greaters conditions to deal future with it and to prevent it. What then it is the panic upheaval? The word panic comes of the Greek ' ' Panikon' ' that it means scare or repetitive terror. In mythology Greek God Par who possua horns and foot of bode provoked fear in the peasants. According to DSM (manual diagnosis and statistician of mental upheavals), this upheaval is defined as an upheaval of anxiety, characterized for recurrent attacks of panic with or without agoraphobia. As already it was mentioned above the first crisis of panic occurs without no apparent reason for feels who it, however the subsequentes crises start if to bind to the situations or objects that were related to the first sensation of panic.

The development of the agoraphobia occurs because the patients start to fear to suffer new attack from panic where a previous one already has happened (elevating or closed places, for example). What it differentiates the panic of the phobia, is that in the panic the cause of the fear is endogenous (inside of the proper individual) and in the phobia the fear is of something external it. The main symptoms are: A short period of intense fear or discomfort where the four or more than following symptoms appear abruptly and reach the peak in about 10 minutes. Air lack, discomfort in the chest, acceleration of the cardiac beatings, extreme sweat (in the hands and the body), tremors in the hands or the body, nausea or badly to be in the belly, sensation of asphyxia (breathlessness), sensation of that will be able to faint (during the crisis), formigamento in the hands or parts of the body, sensation that will be able to die during the crisis, sensation to be losing the control or to be being wild.

Civil Society

To think the Civil Society as an important actor politician inside of the context of a democracy, means to think about the real conditions of its legitimacy and about the maintenance of a possible autonomy. When mattering of Lipset (2001) the aspect of the education for the maintenance of the democratic values and practical support its, can at the beginning indicate in this author a contribution for this quarrel proposal of this given text the importance of this in the formation of consciences for a culture politics that supports and legitimizes the democratic institutions. III – VALUES PS-MATERIALISTAS OF the CULTURE POLITICS an important author who inside brings used significant contributions in this work for the agreement of the autonomy of the civil society of the phenomenon of the change politics in the transistion phase enters the authoritarian regimen for the democratic one is Ronald Inglehart (1993). When approaching the influence of the values after-materialists and auto-expression in the sphere of the culture politics, the author brings the thesis of that the development of the societies is tied with the syndrome of previsible changes of absolute social norms, in direction the more rational, tolerant, confident values each time and after-modern. For Inglehart (1996) the economic development brings a gradual change, of values of survival for the calls values of auto-expression, what it helps to explain why the societies richest have greater probability to be democratic. Exactly before the third wave of democratization, Inglehart (1993) it argues that ‘ ‘ the gradual substitution of materialistic values for values after-materialists was moving the priorities of the people of a primary focus in the search of the survival necessities, in direction to an increasing emphasis in autonomy auto-expresso’ ‘ (Inglehart, 1993, P. 6). Moreover, another factor favorable to the democracy is what it intitles of cognitiva mobilization, therefore beyond make reference to reference again the increasing levels of education, approaches the accomplishment of tasks that more require specialized knowledge as essential for the democratization of the societies.

The Cells

The chronic effect include damage, disfuno or bankruptcy of agencies, especially sanguineous kidneys, nerves, heart and vases. The initial presentation can be given for polidipsia symptoms, poliria loss of weight; in more serious cases, these symptoms evolve for cetoacidose or eat to hiperosmolar that, if not taken care of readily, they can lead to bito' '. (DUCAN, 2004, P. 935). It is responsible for the morbi-mortality of good part of the Brazilian and world-wide population, reaching people of the most varied phases of the vital cycle. One knows, however, that great part of its complications could be prevented with writs of prevention, what mellitus can be made by means of programs of health for control of diabetes or of its complications.

(TEIXEIRA, 2004). According to Brunner ' ' diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic illnesses characterized by raised glucose levels in the blood (hiperglicemia) resultant of defects in the secretion of insulina and or the action of this. ' ' (BRUNNER, 2000, P. 936) ' ' The insulina, is the hormone produced for the pncreas, controls the glucose level in the blood when regulating its production and storage. In the diabetic state, the cells can stop to answer the insulina or the pncreas can stop total of produced-la.' ' (BRUNNER, 2000, P. 935) diabetes mellitus can be classified in 03 types: gestacional, type I and type II, being, according to Brunner 2001, the main classifications are: Type I? previously related as insulino dependent; Type II? previously related with diabetes mellitus not insulino dependent.

' ' Diabetes type I characterizes for destruction of the pancreticas cells beta. One gives credit that a combination of genetic, imunolgicos and possibly ambient factors (p.ex you capsize) contributes for the destruction of the cells beta' ' (BRUNNER, 2000, P. 935). ' ' Normally, the insulina one leagues it receiving special in the cellular surfaces and initiates a series of involved reactions in the metabolism of the glucose.


They must always be associates to the biological tests, therefore separately it does not guarantee an efficient sterilization. (BRAZIL, 2001). The external pointers are ribbons of self-adhesive used basically to differentiate the not processed processed packages of. (BRAZIL, 2001) Brazil, 2001 Mentions that the types of internal pointers vary the sterilization processes in accordance with. They are divided in: Classroom 1: pointers of process (former: zebrada ribbon). It indicates that the material passed for the sterilization process. The materials must be used in all to be used.

For use of materials type package or box. Classroom 2: pointers for use in test specific (former: Bowie and Dick). It serves to test effectiveness of the system of vacuum in the daily pay-vacuum sterilizers. It carries through the detention of air bubbles and evaluates the ability of the sterilizers, daily pay-vacuum in air removal when the admitted vapor and, forming the vacuum. It must not have formation of bubbles that can compromise the sterilization process. It must daily be carried through, before the processing of the first load. Classroom 3: parameter pointers.

Projected to measure one of the critical parameters of the sterilization process: vapor, time, temperature or saturated vapor. Classroom 4: multi-parameters: Used to measure two or more critical parameters of the sterilization process. They indicate the exposition to the sterilization cycle. Classroom 5: integrated pointers: Projected to react with all the critical parameters of the process of sterilization, inside of a specific interval of sterilization cycle. Classroom 6: Simulators: Projected to react with all the critical parameters of the process of sterilization. The reading of the pointer is capable to mention possible imperfections in some specific parameter Test of Bowie-Dick, as Roman, 2010. p.2 For its accomplishment becomes a package with clamped fields one on the other forming a stack of 25 the 28 cm of height, in the way of this stack places a paper with ribbons of sterilizer or zebradas ribbons glue in cross form, covering all the surface of the paper.

Chaos and Radiation

The maximum celebrity of precursory Lorentz of the theory of the chaos, that &#039 says; ' Beating of wing of a butterfly in Brazil can cause an hurricane in the Texas' ' , also she is valid in radiology. In radiology, that is the part of the medicine that uses the ionizing radiations for disgnostic ends, can occur damages to the person who to receive this radiation, a time such radiation has as characteristic to ionize – to pull out atom electrons, what the molecule configuration can desestruturar, implying in real damages to the patient – as, for example, skin burning cancer. When a patient is submitted to a x-ray or cat scan, it receives a dose – amount from radiation in the part in question. Depending on the dose, two situations can occur: 1) has proximate damage or 2) have damage in long stated period. In the first one, we call determinstico effect, therefore it is determined by a dose threshold, that is, one has limited of dose in which it is certain that a damage will occur; in second, we call effect random, a purely probabilist effect, where the person can or not suffer a damage.

Let us emphasize the random effect. In such effect, as the proper name says, it has a stockage; storage of dose in the patient. Throughout the years, a person is submitted to one determined amount of examinations that use the ionizing radiations. In each one, it receives a dose from radiation characteristic of the examination? in a hand x-ray, the dose is minor who in one of thorax, that in turn is minor who a cat scan of any part of the body. This dose goes being ' ' armazenada' ' in the body, increasing the probability to unchain a cancer throughout the years. But as is a probabilist effect, a person can carry through an examination of hand x-ray? what is one of the techniques with lesser level of dose and to have cancer, or to carry through a cat scan examination? that it has high dose and not to have cancer. If one may use the expression in radiology: ' ' it is a lottery that nobody wants ganhar' '. The fact of that a small dose can unchain a cancer, corroborates with the principle of Lorentz.

The small dose would be the butterfly beating its wing, and the hurricane, the cancer. We have that to also lead in account, the call radiation of deep, that is that proceeding one from the cosmic space and of the nature to our redor, that for minor who is also can unchain cancer. If one the person to the 20 years, is submitted to a x-ray any, and to the 60 it develops cancer, this can have exactly been caused forty years behind. If it had not carried through that x-ray and taken that small dose, she would not have cancer. We conclude then, that the taken dose has forty years was the sufficient to unchain the cancer. Obviously, the cancer has many other factors associates who not them ionizing radiations, but this presented possibility real and is justified by the random effect. In the truth, any dose that a person receives, exactly being proceeding from the deep radiation of or radiological examinations, increases the probability to develop cancer. But, for to be a probability, a person can receive high doses throughout the life and nothing to happen


The production of dermoide cyst in the ovary is rare to explain, the 80 to 90% of already present/display them to women in early ages from the 18 to 30 years to the premenopause. 10% of these types cysts are only malignant, the great part are not it. ; they contain in its interior a strange of liquid material, greasy amount, hairs, until inclusively teeth. A dermoide cyst is a strange type of alterations in the reproductive system, is of great value that take diverse diagnostic tests, like x-rays, pelvic examination, exploratory laparotoma, abdominal and pelvic ecography to identify it with certainty. If there is affection of no no ovary, nor tubes of Fallopian tube will not be due to retire these organs, but the cyst to this treatment of him is due to extirpate has called salpingooforectoma. These protuberances also called teratomas because they come from two Greek terms that mean teratos that monster means and onkomas that relation gives to a swelling so that this compound of liquid, hard matters and extremely incredible of which such are within the cyst that already I am mentioned previously. He is not prudent that as other cysts of ovary of realise puncture or aspiration by s mixes extraordinary fills up that it, always has treatment purpose of applying an internal incision that protects many of estotras so that the woman can generate if she even wishes it like in the cistotoma, if the woman is elderly and they do not have any yearning to be pregnant is come to also extirpate tero and tubes of Fallopian tube. To the physical and clinical exploration it completes is verified that the dermoide cyst in the ovary this in evolution the surgeries will be before programs but the possible thing to limit that it can push weave of other structures and bleed to burst or to have one giroversion since in almost 70% of the cases is asymptomatic and nothing harmful. You want to know how to deal with the ovarian cysts nonintrusive way? Beam Click to read Here on a method that can eliminate the symptoms in as just a short time as 12 hours.

Arabian Peninsula

One of the most common species of aloe is present, or Barbados (A. barbadensis). This grass perennial very beautiful, narrow, toothed, nearly erect glaucous-green leaves, gathered in a compact rosette. Spike has a height of 60-90 cm Regarding the homeland of this species of aloe, there are different opinions. Some scholars believe that in the wild it grows in the Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands, while others believe its natural distribution area of the North-East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. However, since ancient times Aloe now cultivated as a medicinal herb throughout the Mediterranean, so that in many areas it is naturalized. The Spaniards brought this scarlet in the New World, where it also caught on very well and especially widespread on the island of Barbados. On this island at the end of the XVI century.

plant fell into the botanical gardens of England. In the culture of aloe are spread in India, and South China, and in some areas of Southeast Asia. There is even believed that aloe are mentioned in the Akkadian texts (2000 BC) of ancient Assyria, Babylonia, as the plant to decorate the door of the house. Some people in the Middle East is still preserved the ancient custom – Aloe hang over the entrance to the house because, according to local belief, this contributes to a long life and prosperity of its inhabitants. In Akkadian name of this sounded like aloe si-bu-ru. From this name was an Arab sabr, or saber, that means patience, endurance.