Transfer Factor

On the functions of the human immune system published many books, thousands of articles, many of theses are protected, so writing about the body's immune system makes no sense. We conclude only this: no immunity will not be you without a good no immune health, because the human immune system is the only thing that is between a man and all sorts of aggressors. And no man koy be in this life, nor once engaged in are not the problem of rehabilitation or enhance personal immunity. And if you do not see what you wanted, it's time to get acquainted with transfer factors. Despite the fact that hundreds of individuals now cured of the most dangerous diseases due to transfer responsible for some of the most important for the human body functions: powerful, fast and highly improves the immune system in the event of a shortage;-inhibits human immune response by inhibiting the destruction of cells (autoimmune disease); appearance. And absolutely all of the data transfer factor advantages proved and confirmed by thousands of all sorts of experiments and practical application of more than one year. Application of Transfer Factor will cure you of millions of the most severe disease. And in 1980, making a new breakthrough: scientists have found that transfer factors are identical in all vertebrates and therefore their supplier is not only a man. This news is very encouraging because this drug will require more and more needed reskrs inexhaustible.

Aloe Burns

Lightly thought of cooking with his bare hand and took the hot lid. Ouch! Or poured potatoes and got a finger? Who did not happen? These burns are not very dangerous but very painful. They are not insured. Even if you are very careful and accurate, there is no 100 percent guarantee that you will not burn. Therefore, in a note – some eco-friendly ways treatment of household burns at home. At home we can usually get burned I-st and II-nd degree. This is a strong reddening, sometimes – the blisters.

If the burn is more serious – you need a doctor. Means at hand can not do. But we're talking about light burns. The main thing in this case – to save his skin, as well as the pain quickly removed. Therefore, the most important thing here – speed. The faster the start the necessary procedures – the easier it is.

Once you get burned – just in a hurry to cool place destruction. Put hands under running cold tap water, or put ice in the refrigerator. And keep somewhere half an hour. If the water jet causes pain, just moisten the cloth and apply to wound. The cold will remove the heat. Otherwise, the heat go further and cause damage deeper. Many mistakenly start to smear burn ointments. And very fat. They are only more irritated. They are as thermal insulation. Instead, to counteract the heat, ointments and creams retain it. And the skin lesions may become more severe. And it means – a long healing and scar. Cream or ointment (natural) must be applied within a few hours after you got burned. Healing ointment can do for yourself. Take a tablespoon of St. John's wort. Pour a cup of vegetable oil. Infused ointment for two weeks. From time to time shake the mixture. Such a good ointment heals burns. You can also make an ointment of calendula. You needed infusion of this plant and petroleum jelly. Aspect ratio – 1:2. Simply mix the components. It also helps, and sea buckthorn. Help and regular eggs. Boil them hard-boiled, remove yolks. They are now well on prozharte pan – until they become dark and stringy. The pan does not have to drop – no water or oil. The fire also need light. The resulting black salve is good at household burns. Just do not forget to cool down. But best of all – Aloe. Rinse cut leaves, then cut them lengthwise and attach to the inside of the sore spot. Aloe need to change twice a day. You can also chop the leaves of aloe to the blender and lubricated with a wound of this gruel. Aloe is known to have healing and antiseptic properties. Go to the wound can be applied and the pumpkin flesh. It helps to ensure that the burn was delayed. Also, the pumpkin has a healing and antimicrobial properties. Workable, and grated raw potatoes. There is also a very aesthetic way. Also positive. It rose petals. Need to "pluck" freshly rose petals and make a burn is not pressing down, and carefully holding the weak bandage. Petals often change. They say tea rose best help. Also, to the wound healed quickly, consume more vitamin C. It is in oranges, lemons, grapefruit, leek, etc. This vitamin helps rapid healing of burns. Burns well to Polimedel.

Seven Steps

Agree that the foundation and guarantee of beauty is a beautiful, clear skin. But this skin without leaving boasts not each. Oily skin and acne – a problem for most women, especially young girls. How can get rid of them? The main rule here – the constant care, so to speak without a weekend for dinner. In other words, your skin should pay close attention. If today you follow all the rules care, and the costs involved are tired or just lazy, then no good there will not be.

Thus, the basic rules that must comply with each girl with skin problems: 1. Wash in the morning and evening, with the help of special tools for problem skin. From my experience I would say that I really help the resources of the company Clean & Clear. From all that I've tried, these gave the best results. And like gel cleanser Green Mama "Daisy and cranberries," also a very good result yields. But this is only my choice, perhaps someone more appropriate to something else. And cleanser should not be too aggressive. And then dry up the skin, and so she starts with even greater force to produce fat.

2. After washing necessarily wipe face lotion for oily skin (preferably the same company that gel for washing). 3. Following these procedures apply moisturizing cream or, better, if it is still matte. With nourishing creams should be be careful, they can increase the fat content of the skin, which in turn leads to increased growth of acne. 4. In any case not to touch the face with dirty hands! In general, it is desirable during the day do not touch it. From this acne only inflamed, and become more! For myself I know how sometimes it's tempting, "dig deeper", but do so in any case it is impossible! 5. 2 or 3 times a week to use cleaning mask. I prefer masks with clay or mud. Masks do not like film. The fact that the tried, my favorites so far: – Mary Kay Purifying for oily skin (Formula 3) – Yves Rocher Face Pasta 'dullness plant "with eksktraktom skullcap – and again, Green Mama cleaned plantain. 6. 2 times a week using facial scrub. But here we must consider that if the face is swollen pimples, you can not use scrubs! First you need to dry these acne masks from the same clay, for example. A I am so very helpful common salt, and tea tree oil. And both, cleans and dries the inflammation. 7. Do not squeeze pimples yourself! If there is a need, contact a professional cosmetologist. But yourself you can only make the situation worse. But the pros and cons of this mechanical cleansing I think I'll write a separate article.

Healthy Menus For Families

Why eating delicious home-prepared food from a cafe or supermarket? Of course, one of the reasons – is that home-cooked meals made with love. It’s already a lot! Probably, there are a number of reasons why some dishes housewives obtained amazing tasty, and others – mediocre. First of all, the technology of manufacturing home-cooked meals. If the owner adheres to the formulation, not lazy to weigh ingredients for cooking electronic balance, and performs the necessary instead of the usual action, the result will be different. For example, the meat should not soak in water, and cook at once, and blanch. Second, there is another important step in the manufacture of food – this is the preparation and selection products for the nutrition of the family. How to choose your products? Surely, you will find many tips on this subject in books on housekeeping, which is in every house. However, today there is increasing difficulty in choosing products, despite to their abundance on the shelves.

And the first priority should be the mistress family food security. What products should pay particularly close attention to? We have identified several such Category: Meat products. May contain hormones, antibiotiki.Ovoschi, fruit. May contain nitrates, heavy metals, pestitsidy.Molochnye products. Can contain preservatives, be diluted with water, lactic acid may attend dyes, emulsifiers, itp.Konservy. Dangerous and unhealthy food. According to state supervision, more than 80% of canned products unfit for consumption.

There are several ways to provide the family with delicious products without these drawbacks. For example, to start his own farm in the village and move to a more natural way of life. And you can not make such drastic actions, and just start buying organic products. This category of products has high quality and excellent application properties.

Health Diapers

The appearance of a small child in the family – is in fact always triumph. Indeed, the desired or unexpected, it is in any case, the most adored and expensive. And of course the same charming crumbs in any way want to give everything without exclude the highest quality and to protect any and all possible evils. And to preserve not only the child, as well as himself. After all, the clever turns caring for the baby, the easier it will be mom and dad: do not have to appease unhappy crumbs, and will actually sleep at night. Our ancestors often with you has involved a variety of natural methods, such as boxes of poppies, which are used instead of pacifiers. But to maintain the health of infants, such methods are at least not very fittingly.

Modern newborn and did not deserve such suffering. After all, there is much more suitable methods. For moms and dads of all states one of the most important developments, no doubt, it is permissible to believe diapers. Just with the advent of this simple invention provides the ability to reduce the number of large washes, to avoid problems with the delicate skin of children, and elementary arrange so that the baby was fine. Today, disposable diapers – that salvation for moms and dads, many of which only a very sturdy diapers entrust the health of your child. In qualitative pampers baby sleeping peacefully at night without waking up because of the "accident", and enthusiastically played in daylight.

Parents just need time to change diapers. At this time, moms and dads are practically no other choice but to use diapers. Because in the modern world is more than enough stress and other exciting positions. In order that the child could grow up balanced and intensively explore the world around him nothing can spook. And if so, to ensure peace in the house, you want to buy diapers, therefore, it is actually the right decision. Moreover, that a reasonable place to buy huggies wholesale – it's much more practical. In order to acquire really reliable diapers, the present moms and dads are often combined – and in fact, buy this product in bulk, getting a serious discount, and thus saving your time (no need to go shopping), its nerves (much less a baby crying), finance (diapers in bulk is cheaper, and there is no need for many times to include a washing machine, but the same, save for a powder for cars). Every baby, coming into this world, require special attention and affection. And today, parents can not resolve to ensure the child is not only your tenderness, but also comfort.

Medical Imaging

Medical imaging is a tool used in diagnosis, research and medical procedures. The process produces both internal and external images of the human body. As of last year, the number of medical imaging students in the world was listed as five billion.

Biological imaging generally includes radiology, nuclear medicine, endoscopy, medical photography, thermography and exploratory radiological sciences. Medical imaging also includes methods which do not produce images, but rather maps or graphs which are used in a similar manner. These include electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), electrocardiography (ECG) and a few others.