Medical Sciences

Text: Alla Solodova / Judging by the form and content of proposed projects and the official blog of the Health Ministry, health workers should be trained to careful treatment. But not for the lives of patients and to the public through the media imuschestvu.Meditsinskaya science there are many daily medical news. But hardly anyone is how many of them actually. Most of the studies are out of focus layman. Nevertheless, techniques, protocols and results of all tests and experiments are in the public domain – on the Internet.

Specialized European and American medical associations are not simply collecting knowledge. They summarize and double-check the published results, after which complement existing standards for providing medical care. Each addition gets "assessment" on which user standards (a doctor or health care administrator) can assess whether proved a recommendation. These annually updated multi-volume is simply as guidelines, which must medical services. And for the physician and patient in foreign standards prescribed treatment alternatives in case the patient will complications or comorbidities. As well as technical details to the extent of which side is better to cut the stomach and to what depth kateter.Meditsina enter in Russian Unlike foreign counterparts, most Russian medical medical news does not read.

With ignorance news professionals in their professional field and repeatedly faced reporters, trying to get the comments of Russian doctors to work by foreigners. "Public information on health care Few studies of reading – said employee of one of the Institute of Medical Sciences. – It's all written in English, and many eminent doctors and heads of medical institutions have grown in the Soviet school and they are usually just do not know foreign languages. And sometimes they just too lazy. " But even read, understood and accepted (at heart) international standards of treatment, even the heads of certain institutions (not to mention ordinary doctors) can do little, to implement them in practice. After all, the standards must be "accompanied" the tools to implement them (drugs, supplies, equipment). And the money to go through the correct treatment for another diocese. It Health Ministry, which the doctors (even with a worldwide reputation) to listen in a hurry. The money gives him one driven criteria. And without the material basis of study of foreign literature is only the accumulation of empty unnecessary knowledge and does not provide neither the doctor nor the patients any good. Just disappointed. After all, to know how to treat, and not be able to do it – is worse than not to know about the possibilities of proper treatment. Read further