
This task can be very hard and stressful for the person responsible for the care of a patient with bipolar disorder. The patient can have moments in which were isolate and does not want to communicate, show unpleasant and not assessing the presence and care of the person who is dealing with him. Care for a person with bipolar disorder may make the rest of his life in the background. However, the caregiver also should worry himself, because if it does not, it also runs the risk of getting sick. Symptoms of caregiver: If you’re (parent or couple) caregiver of a person with bipolar disorder, pay attention if you start to notice that you suffer any of the following symptoms: denial: don’t accept the disease nor the consequences it produces in the person you take care, in your family and environment.

Rabies: You’re furious with the disease, with people who are to your around and which don’t understand you, with the rest of the world in general social isolation: care for your family member takes you so much time and effort that you’ve cut all your ties with the outside world, you’ve ceased to call your friends, already you never leave anxiety, depression, irritability. Exhaustion: You’re so tired you don’t think that you can endure much more. Insomnia: You can not fall asleep because your head does not stop turning negative thoughts that you distress. Lack of concentration in the daily activities. Health problems caused by stress.

Tips to take care of yourself: don’t expect to suffer these symptoms to begin to worry about yourself. Meet your own needs is not being selfish. In fact, doing so will prevent you also sick and give you more forces to deal with the task of caring for your family. Here are a few tips to start to take care of yourself: analyzes and assesses your feelings and emotions without blame you for them. You have the right to be tired, angry, sad not try to deny it. Accept it and look for solutions. Ask for help to the rest of your family. It is logical that no you can take care of all you only. Find time for yourself, to completely disconnect. Looking for some activity that motivates you, you relax and fill you with energy. Support a bipolar person in the most difficult moments of a manic or depressive stage can be stressful, difficult and even cause anguish. There are no shortcuts or tricks to avoid pain, but yes to cope with it, fight and defeat the disease on their own ground. Knowledge, love, delivery and above all hope are more powerful (and contrasted) weapons that can be used. These themes are treated in depth in the Bipolar disorder uncovered Guide. Today, takes the reins of your life at last.