Who suffers with the syndrome of the panic, needs to understand the process of formation of the panic reactions, so that then it can have greaters conditions to deal future with it and to prevent it. What then it is the panic upheaval? The word panic comes of the Greek ' ' Panikon' ' that it means scare or repetitive terror. In mythology Greek God Par who possua horns and foot of bode provoked fear in the peasants. According to DSM (manual diagnosis and statistician of mental upheavals), this upheaval is defined as an upheaval of anxiety, characterized for recurrent attacks of panic with or without agoraphobia. As already it was mentioned above the first crisis of panic occurs without no apparent reason for feels who it, however the subsequentes crises start if to bind to the situations or objects that were related to the first sensation of panic.
The development of the agoraphobia occurs because the patients start to fear to suffer new attack from panic where a previous one already has happened (elevating or closed places, for example). What it differentiates the panic of the phobia, is that in the panic the cause of the fear is endogenous (inside of the proper individual) and in the phobia the fear is of something external it. The main symptoms are: A short period of intense fear or discomfort where the four or more than following symptoms appear abruptly and reach the peak in about 10 minutes. Air lack, discomfort in the chest, acceleration of the cardiac beatings, extreme sweat (in the hands and the body), tremors in the hands or the body, nausea or badly to be in the belly, sensation of asphyxia (breathlessness), sensation of that will be able to faint (during the crisis), formigamento in the hands or parts of the body, sensation that will be able to die during the crisis, sensation to be losing the control or to be being wild.