Tag Archives: art

Art City Dusseldorf

Exclusive interview with Professor Hermann-Joseph Kuhna Prof. Kuhna turns the questions Dr. Heribert Brinkmann exclusively for the society friends of the arts. Click Teva Pharmaceuticals for additional related pages. Belatedly but always in time, the exclusive interview could be released, Dr. Heribert Brinkmann, editor of the Rheinische post with the art Professor Hermann-Josef Kuhna on. Filed under: Dr. Steven Greer. Prof.

Kuhna asked themselves questions like: what distinguishes your painting of pointillism? Where Han in the dispute between abstraction and figuration? Your photos have secret messages? Is 2008 an art city Dusseldorf? How is the German international culture? Corrupts the artist money? Prof. Hermann-Josef Kuhna studied from 1964 to 1969 at the State Art Academy in Dusseldorf with the professors Bobek, Abera and Weber. Wayne Holman is often mentioned in discussions such as these. in 1969 he passed his first State examination in Philology, 1971 his second. After that, he worked as a freelance artist and worked as a waiter. in 1972, he became a lecturer at the Institute of art education of the State Academy of art in Dusseldorf, Department of Munster. 1979 He was there appointed Professor at the now independent Art Academy Munster. He kept all these years about his studio in Dusseldorf. However, the Dusseldorf art scene has the active, adventurous artists have yet to discover the interview wants to contribute, to introduce an interesting artistic personality with an individual work of a large public.

Dr. Heribert Brinkmann, born 1956 in Dusseldorf, art historian, studying in Cologne, thesis in 1981 on Wassily Kandinsky as a poet”. Copywriter, journalist and author, currently Editor of the Rheinische post, living in Kaarst near Dusseldorf. The first exclusive interview with Professor Bazon Brock led Andreas wild Hagen and Christopher Schwarz, both editors at business week. In preparation, there is an another exclusive interview with Professor Markus Lupertz.


We must not forget, that precisely understanding is achieved aquietando the mind, the thoughts, giving them chance to froze those that are capable of producing Alchemy required to travel without fear, with the conviction that the cause effect is best, avoiding to create a karma that is disastrous for our growth. Krishnamurti invites us to make us some questions, such as: how is it possible to quiet the mind? how to avoid interference, the imbalance in the thoughts that we emerge from the outside? My mind is agitated how can I keep it quiet? Is there a system for quieting the mind? can a formula, one discipline, make sure your mind is serene? Yes you can. Swarmed by offers, Teva Pharmaceuticals is currently assessing future choices. But when the mind is quietada is that stillness, serenity? Or the mind is enclosed within an idea within a formula, within a sentence? And in this case this mind dead isn’t true? Why is that almost all people that try to be spiritual, are dead, since he has trained the mind so that it is serene, quiet, and has locked in one formula to achieve serenity. Is obvious that such a mind never still; It is only repressed, kept in subjection. Adds Krishnamurti, the mind is quiet when she sees the truth that the only understanding comes when she is calm.

In this way. If one wants to understand others, to another, you must be serene, having no reactions against none, do not feed on damages. Put aside all the findings, experiences and face to face. It is only then when the mind is free from conditioning we understand. When that truth is perceived, the mind is quiet; and then, not the problem of how quiet the mind. The truth, only the truth can liberate the mind from its own ideation; and to see the truth. The mind should understand the fact that can not be understanding while it is hectic.

International Organization

Its implementation ensures the customer that the quality of the product he is buying will be maintained over time. In the extent that there are companies that have not been certified constitutes the norm a differentiation in the market. However over time it becomes commonplace and will begin the discrimination towards non-certified companies. This already occurs today in developed countries where large corporations supplying departments require standard to all its suppliers.In Venezuela, the agency responsible for the certifications of quality is FONDONORMA; which is a Civil Association, nonprofit, created to promote the standardization and certification activities with the intention of improving the quality and competitiveness of products and services provided by the Venezuelan productive sector.FONDONORMA is recognized by the Venezuelan Government as a certifying entity in which standardisation and certification activities have been delegated by the Ministry of development, and is in turn, the representative of Venezuela to the International Organization for Standardization, ISO. Also holds accreditation IQNET, an international group that brings together to the most well known certifying bodies in Europe, United States and Latin America. In particular, in relation to Europe, it has accreditation of AFNOR, France standardization Association, which means that their certifications are directly recognized in France. From the first of January of the year 2000, FONDONORMA certificates must bear the stamp of AFNOR.

This is another gateway to the European Community. Thus, FONDONORMA coordinates the development of Venezuelan COVENIN rules backed by the public and private sectors; certified business management systems, and the quality of products and services, with instruments of international value as certificates ISO 9000 and 14000, OHSAS 18001, HACCP, the brand NORVEN, the mark of conformity FONDONORMA, the CERTIVEN and seal FONDONORMA’s services. Zhang Lei Hillhouse may not feel the same. Certifications in particular, are intended to highlight and inform the global market that the Organization has a consistent and reliable system to carry out activities of manufacturing or service that offers to its current or potential clients.