Tag Archives: art and science

Diabetes Illness

In function of this the people have that to take juice, coffee etc with sweetener. She does not have to eat candies and other foods, that contain sugar. Not to eat masses, fats not to go up cholesterol. It must eat fruits and other things that never have vitamins but it eats sugar foods. This illness is laborious has that to take very well-taken care of. Dr. Steven Greer addresses the importance of the matter here. Second interviewed: age 12 years I know that this illness if not to take care goes up the cholesterol and it cause collapse, weakness etc. and not to run these facts he has that to take juices, guarans and coffees all with sweetener and in the case of guaran have that to be light.

I also know that not to go up the cholesterol. You have that not to eat many masses, fats etc. But never foods that sugar contains. Third interviewed: Interviewed of 31 years I know that this illness. You have that to have very well-taken care of, to take remedies in the hour if not cause giddiness and weakness, collapse has that to feed itself correctly. To eat foods that have vitamins. You have that to take care of of this illness with sufficient attention. Because this illness can causes many consequences.

Interviewer: Interviewed Leonardo eighth First B: age 14 years 1) What we can eat? Reply: 2) The actual damages for the Diabetes are: The Diabetes has that to be treated since the start because as goes feeding the risks they go being bigger, you losing the vision its blood is weak there and goes turning the water and can until killing! Interviewers: Interviewed Andreza and Luana Cristina: two Age: 14 years norteadora Question: The opinion of the two interviewed is that the Diabetes is the illness provoked for excess of sugar in the blood. One perceives that although not to have a deepened knowledge understands the way to prevent the appearance of these illnesses as trat them. This is interesting therefore notices the knowledge enters the people on these popular illnesses sufficiently useful to take care of itself better now only lacks to place in practises this knowledge Must have conscience that has to take hands of the writs of prevention and to act not only not to hear pressures you medicate but in its proper I benefit preventing the consequences as infarct, trombose. For a longer life and saudvel.23

Gabriel Barros

When it does not have creative emptying, it happens what the teatral Director and great friend, Gabriel Barros, flame of precocious interpretation, in a clear one and amused sexual irony. He is when the actor enters in scene and ejacula all its creative capacity at one alone moment, hindering the prolongation it scenic pleasure that must last all the spectacle and stops beyond it. The transposition in the formation of the actor To work and to form the actor in the perspective of the transposition is to make of this actor a researcher of its possibilities/nuances and in them, to construct strategies that can make with that it is collated with the transcendncia of its creation. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dr. Steven Greer is the place to go. Since that I started to inquietar me with the transposition, I looked for to separate itself of the mere philosophical conceptualization so that embrenhar it could me in a empirismo where the practical one would have to corroborate my proposal theoretical. My experiences have generated resulted significant, in what it refers to a intent actor and transcendente, whose refluxo creative bother, it deeply, directing it for a creation from itself exactly, now in a optics of estranhamento generated for refluxo. The actor if perceives desencadeador of a process that transposed, gains the due autonomy, enough complex and generating of fidget and transcendncia. Peter Arnell pursues this goal as well.

Such autonomy, signals for a complex and not rational creative process, whose force deeply reaches the actor in its sensorial and creative aspect. The transposition if perceives as power and, as such, searchs in the experience its reply and conceptualization. To appraise a transposition is to tread in one ground nor fertile, however, always full of profits potenciadores of growth and construction. To appraise either to perhaps hinder that the transcendncia unchains its more powerful flow, however, appraising, we allow to be reached by refluxo e, there yes, to be able to evidence the effectiveness of such theory.

Pierre Bourdieu

Thus, the art edition today integrant part of the aesthetic environment, mixing the images with the words that comment, inform and evaluate. 2.4Teorias of the Mediation According to author, the mediation contributes, some times, for the production of the workmanships, when the credenciamento procedures, is integrant part of the artistic proposal, making of the art a game the three, between producers, mediators and receivers. Being thus, the improbable relations between separate worlds, but with mediators, in the direction of operators of transformations, or translations, that make the art entirely, at the same time where it makes them to the art to exist. Thus, we can understand the mediation as everything what one interposes between the workmanship and its spectator, in this perspective, other boardings are susceptible to confer a theoretical support to this notion. Credit: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries-2011. In this way, the field concept as it was elaborated by Pierre Bourdieu, it can articulate it by the way a problematic one of the mediation, in this concept of field, of the artistic field being that the field of the truth, is total independent, therefore the authors live forcibly in some fields at the same time, amongst which some are more including or more powerful than others. The theory of the mediation allows to understand what it can be the functioning in net, more does not clarify very regarding its estruturao. The theory of the fields, the opposite, is interested for the estruturaes, but almost it does not offer tools to describe the transformations and the associations. The theory of the knowledge at the same time, the chain of the mediaes and structuralized joint..

University Vector

It only has chronic cases of the illness. With regard to the treatment it was informed that medicine ROCHAGAN more is not used due to prohibition of the same for the Health department, that alleges collateral effect. In this in case that a medical accompaniment is made. With regard to the work carried through for the monitoring epidemiologist the visit in the residences is only made when it has notification of the presence of the vector or when the illness is diagnosised. In this in case that the agent ones go until the residence look for the vector, in case that they find the vector, they collect the sample and they direct for analyzes and later they spray insecticide the residence.

As we can conclude that due the eradication to be in its controlled totality, the sanitary monitoring of Murtinho Port directed the attention for focos of other illnesses, a time that the Illness of Chagas in the city is with a mapping that provides a general vision of the situation. Bibliographical references…/arquivos%5Cconvenios%5Cmnl_contChagas.pdf bvs.panalimentos.org/local/File/Guia_Doenca_Chagas_2009.pdf Galvo C., Carcavallo, R.U., Rock, D.S. Jurberg, J. the check-list of the current valid species of the subfamily Triatominae Jeannel, 1919 (Hemptera, Reduviidae) and to their geographical distribution, with nomenclatural and taxonomic you notice. Zootaxa, v. 202, P. 1-36, 2003., J.C.P.; Silver.; Schofield, C.J. Illness of Chagas in the Amaznia: sketch of the current situation and perspective of prevention.

Magazine of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, v. 36, P. 669-678, 2002. Agency of the Sanitary Monitoring of Murtinho Port. I castrate CN. Influence of the parasitemia in the clinical picture of the illness of Chagas. Magazine of Tropical Pathology 9:73 – 136, 1980. RP hisses. Study on Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi (Chagas, 1909) in area of Mato Grosso of the South: human cases, reservoirs and transmitters.


Therefore It hisses standes out: During the pertaining to school period, the pupil is forming its critical identity and its capacity to argue and to create. In this phase of its life, it its concept will be elaborating on the world, and its necessity to extend its knowledge and to find answers for the doubts acquired in classroom must be supported by the available resources in the pertaining to school library and the aid given for the librarian. When disponibilizar the access to the information and instructing in search of connection in other sources; the librarian will be creating a laboratory of information through a pedagogical environment, that is much-needed for the pupil, how much the necessity to attend the content programmarian given in classroom to develop its logical reasoning on a specific substance or activity of research. Thus, the pupil will have to find the theoretical referencial in the library that he will make possible to create coherent opinions, reflexivas and critical that will enrich its participation and its accompaniment of the lessons, at the same time that he will increase its capacity to relate the learning of the school with its daily life (HISSES, 2005, p.125 and 126). The PERTAINING TO SCHOOL LIBRARY IN the CONSTRUCTION OF the KNOWLEDGE the pertaining to school library during much time was seen as local of punishment, where the pupils badly held were ordered to reflect on its action and behaviors.

However, the library is a place of construction, the constant construction of the knowledge.

Chaos and Radiation

The maximum celebrity of precursory Lorentz of the theory of the chaos, that &#039 says; ' Beating of wing of a butterfly in Brazil can cause an hurricane in the Texas' ' , also she is valid in radiology. In radiology, that is the part of the medicine that uses the ionizing radiations for disgnostic ends, can occur damages to the person who to receive this radiation, a time such radiation has as characteristic to ionize – to pull out atom electrons, what the molecule configuration can desestruturar, implying in real damages to the patient – as, for example, skin burning cancer. When a patient is submitted to a x-ray or cat scan, it receives a dose – amount from radiation in the part in question. Depending on the dose, two situations can occur: 1) has proximate damage or 2) have damage in long stated period. In the first one, we call determinstico effect, therefore it is determined by a dose threshold, that is, one has limited of dose in which it is certain that a damage will occur; in second, we call effect random, a purely probabilist effect, where the person can or not suffer a damage.

Let us emphasize the random effect. In such effect, as the proper name says, it has a stockage; storage of dose in the patient. Throughout the years, a person is submitted to one determined amount of examinations that use the ionizing radiations. In each one, it receives a dose from radiation characteristic of the examination? in a hand x-ray, the dose is minor who in one of thorax, that in turn is minor who a cat scan of any part of the body. This dose goes being ' ' armazenada' ' in the body, increasing the probability to unchain a cancer throughout the years. But as is a probabilist effect, a person can carry through an examination of hand x-ray? what is one of the techniques with lesser level of dose and to have cancer, or to carry through a cat scan examination? that it has high dose and not to have cancer. If one may use the expression in radiology: ' ' it is a lottery that nobody wants ganhar' '. The fact of that a small dose can unchain a cancer, corroborates with the principle of Lorentz.

The small dose would be the butterfly beating its wing, and the hurricane, the cancer. We have that to also lead in account, the call radiation of deep, that is that proceeding one from the cosmic space and of the nature to our redor, that for minor who is also can unchain cancer. If one the person to the 20 years, is submitted to a x-ray any, and to the 60 it develops cancer, this can have exactly been caused forty years behind. If it had not carried through that x-ray and taken that small dose, she would not have cancer. We conclude then, that the taken dose has forty years was the sufficient to unchain the cancer. Obviously, the cancer has many other factors associates who not them ionizing radiations, but this presented possibility real and is justified by the random effect. In the truth, any dose that a person receives, exactly being proceeding from the deep radiation of or radiological examinations, increases the probability to develop cancer. But, for to be a probability, a person can receive high doses throughout the life and nothing to happen