Tag Archives: Diseases


Massage – this means not only reviving a tired body, it is also therapeutic and prophylactic agent for the entire body. Did you know that a massage can not take all? There are a number of diseases, in which massage is contraindicated. Massage Contraindications include cases: if you are in the stage of acute illness, for example, have a fever, which can be a symptom of a viral disease such as flu and any inflammatory process, if you have a festering any origin, or if you are suffering from sepsis (an infection caused by the release to the blood pus-producing microorganisms); If you have a clearly visible and recognized by doctors varicose veins if you have a case of bleeding (in women it may be due to hormonal changes), or you suffer from poor blood clotting, or at you have any problems with the blood (anemia, aplasia, leukemia and others), and if you have dermatitis. Under dermatoses refers to any disease of the skin – any rash, itching, blisters or nodules on the skin. Dr. Stuart M. McGill is often mentioned in discussions such as these. /a> for additional related pages. It should also be remember that the itching is not always a sign of disease of the skin, it can sometimes be caused by other diseases, if not so long ago, there were any surgical intervention in your body and if you have blood clots – thrombosis reason to abandon massage treatments. Pay special attention should be taken to this issue for those who diagnosed with cancer. Pregnant women, as well as people with chronic disease should be Remember, not only in determining contraindications to massage that medical consultation is not just necessary, it is necessary!. Whenever Viatris listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Health Centers

"Proper nutrition of the child provides the basis for his harmonious development and good health, and therefore unacceptable situation in which children in many parts of Russia are deficient in iodine, iron, zinc, vitamin D, and pregnant women – deficiency of omega-s fatty acids and other substances necessary for normal pregnancy and fetal brain development. On the average daily intake of protein Russia is far from developed European countries, which significantly affects the health of the nation, as parents with chronic diseases and various deficiency states can not conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. The current environmental situation and stress that reduce immunity, also require an adequate and full supply. Details can be found by clicking Teva Pharmaceuticals or emailing the administrator. For example, the use of so-called "third formula" formula milk fortified with DHA-and ARA-acids, prebiotics as a component of dairy rations for children under 2-3 years. During this period of childhood is active brain growth, the formation of the nervous and immune systems, development of and use of fortified foods in baby food is not a luxury but a necessity, "- says Andrew Sukhinin after the official opening of the congress were Tutelian VA ("Nutrition in Russia: the 80-year path of development"), deputy director for research and clinical work Institute of Nutrition, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAMS Kaganov BS MD Strokova T.V.i etc.

In the XII All-Russian Congress of Dietitians and nutritionists held Plenum of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) on health and nutrition workshop profile Commission on the Nutrition Advisory Council to the Health Ministry of health of the Russian Federation under the chairmanship of TUTELYAN VA, Brown, SN, OV Krivonos to discuss the organization of nutritional support Russian population. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Anthony Carolla offers on the topic.. And held a seminar for school health centers, "Evaluation and analysis of individual power," during which heard the reports, "The use of computer programs for the evaluation of individual Human Nutrition "," Development of recommendations for optimizing the diet, "" Guidelines for the construction of individual dietary nutrition. "School nutrition 'to Health Centers. .

Carl Jung

The phenomenon of the spiritual crisis is universal for any person, in life, sooner or later there are problems of spiritual content that a person must decide to develop further. The main feature of the spiritual crisis – the spiritual iskatelstvo and search for meaning. Basic emotions: loneliness, inner emptiness, inadequacy, loss of meaning in life and communication with the outside world, anxiety and depression. The important point is to the crisis not as a disease, as well as to the discovery of opportunities, a turning point in life. A similar approach to personal development has long been practiced in Eastern religious and philosophical traditions, exist within Yoga, various schools of Buddhism and Taoism, Sufism. The integration of their vast experience and knowledge in contemporary psychotherapy – in our opinion one of the most promising and most effective ways of development in the conservation of mental health and mental disorders. No wonder the Eastern practice of spiritual and physical perfection are now so widespread in Western culture. Carl Gustav Jung, one of the pioneers in the integration of Eastern and Western philosophy, in a letter to the founder of the "12 Steps" is known for his spiritually-oriented approach to overcome drug and alcohol addiction, referred to the original formula to combat the problem of alcohol spiritus contra spiritum – against the spirit of alcohol." We believe that this formula applies to any addiction, not just alcohol or drugs, but even to non-chemical addiction, the number is steadily growing throughout the world.

We also consider it possible, to extend to all forms of addictive behavior has a position of Carl Jung, who believed that an alcoholic is driven thirst for his integrity J. Inadequately evaluated and implemented by malware, but, above all, desire for personal integration. We believe that such problems are not solvable in the ordinary state of consciousness, which leads to "experiment" with psychoactive substances. But they are resolved during the transcendent, transcendental, transpersonal experiences that a person can get through spiritual experience. With the help of various psycho-man up expanded state of consciousness in which there are embedded deep within the disclosure of human capacities and abilities. It is known that people use only part of what it pledged. Intense psihopraktiki allows a person to transform psychic-energy, go to another new level of consciousness, to learn to control himself, away from stress … Today the world knows a lot of psycho from Singing to the Tantric texts of transpersonal yoga. Various psycho-integrative self-knowledge, healing bodies and souls can look beyond his "body" of consciousness, to rethink their lives and themselves, find their vital priorities, to open a resource to address and prevent future painful problems, to realize new ways of self, healthier environment not only the body but also the ecology of the mind. Restore the integrity and stability of the human psyche.

The Disease

Consciousness is usually preserved, although the general condition Patients can be very heavy. Some patients expressed meningeal phenomena, general hyperesthesia of the skin, increased tendon reflexes (difficult differential diagnosis of meningitis). Heavy state, the heat last about 7 days. Then the temperature drops to a critically subnormal numbers (sometimes preceded by a pre-crisis drop in temperature increase it), accompanied by profuse sweat, and sometimes the phenomena of collapse. In the following days the patient gradually recovered strength, disappear headache and muscle pain, there is an appetite. Tachycardia followed by bradycardia, liver and spleen reduced. The patient feels perfectly healthy, insists on the list. However, after 6-15 days (mean 7 days) of relative prosperity and suddenly starts 2nd bout of illness, fever with chills again increases up to.

high numbers, once again repeated the whole picture of the disease. The second attack is shorter than the first, it usually lasts 4-5 days. In the following may be febrile seizures 3-4-5, with each succeeding is shorter and the period apyrexia longer. More often. Is 2 attack, at least 1 and 3 and very rare – (4-5 episodes. Changes in the blood as a fever, and in the period apyrexia. In a feverish period of more frequent leukocytosis, aneozinofiliya, neutrophilia with a shift to the left, is rooted ROE (up to 49-60 mm / h).

In the period apyrexia: leukopenia, lymphocytosis, there are eosinophils, erythrocyte sedimentation rate is somewhat reduced, but still remains fast. Complications: enterocolitis, eye diseases, pneumonia, arthritis, very rarely – paratyphoid fever, splenic rupture. The diagnosis of relapsing fever during the first attack can be made on the basis of acute onset, enduring high temperature (over 6-8 days), the presence of muscle pain, especially in the calf muscles, skin and sclera subikterichnosti, an early increase in liver and spleen. Leukocytosis, neutrophilia with a shift to the left and aneozinofiliya, as well as accelerated ESR are auxiliary moments in the diagnosis of relapsing fever.

Buildings Spleen Vessels

In the literature available to us, we have not seen data on age-related changes and tectonic peculiarities of arterial spleen at different ages. Objective: to study age-related features architectonics of the spleen, as well as the capacity of the arterial bed is normal. When using X-ray method studied 19 postmortem radiographs spleen. Injection of blood vessels is carried out using lead carbonate by the method of PA Sokolov (1940-1957gg) at a ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 ingredients. As the contrast material was used as red lead, and the injection of spleen vessels infants and young children – Lead white, diluted with ether or benzene. In the analysis of postmortem angiography spleen revealed that the newborn is normal all parts of the arterial bed, including the pulp artery, uniformly filled with contrast agent. With increasing age of the child to the elderly significantly increases the diameter of the branches of the splenic artery 1 – 5 orders of magnitude. In old age, compared with the elderly, found significantly a slight decrease in diameter as the main trunk of the splenic artery and its branches 1 – 5 orders of magnitude.

Changing the diameter of trabecular and central arteries spleen with increasing age we found. Y newborn and early childhood in most cases a main branch of splenic artery type. In the infancy of the branches of 2nd order branch depart smaller than in the newborn. In these age periods have been identified malososudistye zone between the two forks adjacent secondary branches. In adolescence revealed elongation intraorganic branches of the splenic artery. Spleen appearance of marginal zone malososudistoy. In humans, elderly, and centenarians in vascular pattern on the periphery of the spleen becomes more rare, by reducing the diameter of the arteries intraorganic. At the same time an increase in the number and size malososudistyh zones as edge and in the basins of the branches of 23rd order. In some cases, there is an uneven staining intraorganic vessels spleen. Thus, the architectonic features intraorgannyh vessels of the spleen in age aspect related mainly to changes in quantitative characteristics, whereas in the study of blood diseases are prevalent qualitative changes. Surgery


conducted in various countries, including Russia, the number of people suffering from acid reflux varies from 30 to 60% of the population. According to researchers from the UK, from 7428 patients studied, selected at random, heartburn was present in 40%, 24% suffered from heartburn for more than 10 years, and only a quarter of them consulted on this issue with physicians. Heartburn is noted with equal frequency in both men and women. Heartburn – an unpleasant burning sensation with localized predominantly in the chest and epigastric region. But I also challenge many of you will say, I had heartburn, popeklo 5 minutes after "tasty" burger and passed. In fact, many people have heartburn appears rarely and only after receiving poor-quality food or after eating a substantial (and soon holidays). But there are enough people suffering from heartburn and constantly undergoing considerable suffering from it.

So what is the cause of heartburn. Heartburn occurs in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including esophagitis, reflux esophagitis, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis with increased secretion, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, so zhechasto occurs during pregnancy heartburn, in patients operated upon application of gastro-oesophageal anastomosis. Cause of Heartburn – Most cases of izzhegi associated with exposure to gastric mucosa in the esophagus. Such exposure is possible with a throw of gastric contents into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux), and this in turn made possible due to lack of cardiac esophageal sphincter (sphincter at the junction of the esophagus to the stomach) that normally prevents the esophageal-gastric reflux. Pronounced reflux disease leads to reflux esophagitis. Diseases for which can be heartburn Hiatal hernia and reflux esophagitis – I do not knowingly combined these two diseases.

The fact is that often they occur together. More often first develops hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia is the result of displacement through esophageal opening into the chest cavity of a organ in the abdomen, usually the stomach.

Fleas In Dogs, How To Resolve Bloch, Recommendations

Fleas in dogs – one of the most annoying aspects of the dog. Dog fleas are not only irritate your pet, but can also cause health problems. Fleas feed on the blood of your dog and can cause skin irritation, allergies, anemia and even death. Fleas also carry tapeworms and other various diseases. Check your dog for fleas every day, especially after walking in the street. In order to find fleas, you can use special comb.

Put a little Vaseline on the teeth, fleas will approach it. To disinfect the bite of fleas from your dog, you need to wipe the sting cotton pad with alcohol. Do not forget to watch the fleas between kicking the dog around the ears, armpits, head and tail. Look for the release of fleas, which appear as small black specks in the fur of your dog. Talk to your veterinarian before using chemical means of protection fleas for your dog. The use of any means of treatment for fleas without a prescription can be side effects, or they can cause allergies in your dog. Your veterinarian can recommend the best treatment for fleas eggs in such places, and will therefore be very difficult for you to constantly monitor your dog of fleas, if you do not regularly clean your carpets, curtains and soft furnishings. Try at least two or three times a year to show their pet veterinarian for prevention. It is not always a dog can be called healthy only by their appearance. Do not forget the dog can tell all your ills but the veterinarian.

Why Dinosaurs Became Extinct

Why dinosaurs became extinct November 18, 2007 tragedy at the mine to them. AF Zasyadko riveted world attention. Here coal is mined from a depth of more than a kilometer. Scientists argue that at such a depth (in Africa with a mine Coal deposits of up to five times lower), vegetation (forest relic) fell dramatically as a result of rapid shifts of the Earth's crust, called tectonic shifts. This shift led to the release, sometimes volcanic, magma from the Earth's mass, saturated with metals, including heavy. Hence the rare combination of originality, or Donbass – regional commodity barns Ukraine coal + polymetallic ores.

But Ukraine is not only known wonderful natural reserves, the country's large staff research potential. Today we poveduem about a new scientific hypothesis, which reveals the essence of the title of this article. Once again, we will be talking about coal. In order to understand what is happening now on the surface of our planet, we must look into its depths. Scientists suspect that iron-nickel core of our planet. One ton of coal ash South Wales (UK) show up to 78 kg of nickel. It is a lot and has industrial value for the extraction of metal from an ash.

And now look at the magazine "Science and Life ( 5-2007), who writes that for the last 50 years, ie from 1950 to 2000, consumption of fossil fuels has increased by 400%. We presume source of high heavy metal content of fossil fuels. This explains also, how is the massive pollution of the atmosphere today, from the atmosphere, and then in the Paleocene plants received heavy metals. Earth's biosphere in the Paleocene was ecologically very clogged. This author came to the conclusion that anthropogenic pollution of the biosphere is now is a small model of the global environmental Paleocene. Science idea or hypothesis, revealing the essence of this model is accepted for review and registration of Ukrainian and International (Moscow), associations of authors of scientific discoveries.

Strike Causes Trauma

Perhaps your doctor has told you that your old football injury in later years will make itself felt, turning osteoarthritis. Specialists in arthritis unanimous that any damage to the joints in the past – whether it be consequence of car accidents, congestion or other professional reasons – may develop into osteoarthritis. Such injuries cause direct blow to the cartilage, the action of another kind of injuries is less clear. Take, for example, deep-sea diving for sponges. As a result of pressure reduction (decompression) while diving in the cartilage formed by the set of microscopic bubbles.

These bubbles can simply destroy the cartilage. Even in deep diving dinosaurs and diving turtles found joint damage because of these tiny air bubbles. Hidden signs of damage Imagine that you have never had a traumatic injury. And you're not a diver in depths of the sea. And yet you have been diagnosed "osteoarthritis". The search for reasons lead us to the notion of "repetitive motion" and "instantaneous (impulse) injury." Some types of motions, repeating over and over again impact on the joints and lead eventually to the destruction of cartilage.

Repetitive movements men have to make so many trades. Does this mean that your work – the cause of osteoarthritis? Although it is not give clear evidence of this, of course, there is a connection between repetitive movements while working and osteoarthritis. For example, heavy physical work, creating a constant load on the joints, leads to their deterioration and destruction. The peasants, miners, dockers and other workers of heavy occupations osteoarthritis occurs more frequently than the people involved sedentary work. People who have to lift weights – for example, bus drivers, foundry workers – osteoarthritis develops three times more likely than those who work behind a desk. Do you often have to work with your hands? If so, you risk of osteoarthritis in hands. It is known that the weavers of osteoarthritis in the right hand is much more frequently than the left – a direct result of the weaving process. It is interesting to note the following: research shows that osteoarthritis is more common in the wrist Working hand. So, if you own the right hand is better than the left, first develop osteoarthritis in the right hand. These findings support the view that the long-standing injuries and too frequent movements of joints contribute to the development osteoarthritis.

Medical Sciences

Text: Alla Solodova / Infox.ru Judging by the form and content of proposed projects and the official blog of the Health Ministry, health workers should be trained to careful treatment. But not for the lives of patients and to the public through the media imuschestvu.Meditsinskaya science there are many daily medical news. But hardly anyone is how many of them actually. Most of the studies are out of focus layman. Nevertheless, techniques, protocols and results of all tests and experiments are in the public domain – on the Internet.

Specialized European and American medical associations are not simply collecting knowledge. They summarize and double-check the published results, after which complement existing standards for providing medical care. Each addition gets "assessment" on which user standards (a doctor or health care administrator) can assess whether proved a recommendation. These annually updated multi-volume is simply as guidelines, which must medical services. And for the physician and patient in foreign standards prescribed treatment alternatives in case the patient will complications or comorbidities. As well as technical details to the extent of which side is better to cut the stomach and to what depth kateter.Meditsina enter in Russian Unlike foreign counterparts, most Russian medical medical news does not read.

With ignorance news professionals in their professional field and repeatedly faced reporters Infox.ru, trying to get the comments of Russian doctors to work by foreigners. "Public information on health care Few studies of reading – said Infox.ru employee of one of the Institute of Medical Sciences. – It's all written in English, and many eminent doctors and heads of medical institutions have grown in the Soviet school and they are usually just do not know foreign languages. And sometimes they just too lazy. " But even read, understood and accepted (at heart) international standards of treatment, even the heads of certain institutions (not to mention ordinary doctors) can do little, to implement them in practice. After all, the standards must be "accompanied" the tools to implement them (drugs, supplies, equipment). And the money to go through the correct treatment for another diocese. It Health Ministry, which the doctors (even with a worldwide reputation) to listen in a hurry. The money gives him one driven criteria. And without the material basis of study of foreign literature is only the accumulation of empty unnecessary knowledge and does not provide neither the doctor nor the patients any good. Just disappointed. After all, to know how to treat, and not be able to do it – is worse than not to know about the possibilities of proper treatment. Read further

Transfer Factor

On the functions of the human immune system published many books, thousands of articles, many of theses are protected, so writing about the body's immune system makes no sense. We conclude only this: no immunity will not be you without a good no immune health, because the human immune system is the only thing that is between a man and all sorts of aggressors. And no man koy be in this life, nor once engaged in are not the problem of rehabilitation or enhance personal immunity. And if you do not see what you wanted, it's time to get acquainted with transfer factors. Despite the fact that hundreds of individuals now cured of the most dangerous diseases due to transfer responsible for some of the most important for the human body functions: powerful, fast and highly improves the immune system in the event of a shortage;-inhibits human immune response by inhibiting the destruction of cells (autoimmune disease); appearance. And absolutely all of the data transfer factor advantages proved and confirmed by thousands of all sorts of experiments and practical application of more than one year. Application of Transfer Factor will cure you of millions of the most severe disease. And in 1980, making a new breakthrough: scientists have found that transfer factors are identical in all vertebrates and therefore their supplier is not only a man. This news is very encouraging because this drug will require more and more needed reskrs inexhaustible.

Aloe Burns

Lightly thought of cooking with his bare hand and took the hot lid. Ouch! Or poured potatoes and got a finger? Who did not happen? These burns are not very dangerous but very painful. They are not insured. Even if you are very careful and accurate, there is no 100 percent guarantee that you will not burn. Therefore, in a note – some eco-friendly ways treatment of household burns at home. At home we can usually get burned I-st and II-nd degree. This is a strong reddening, sometimes – the blisters.

If the burn is more serious – you need a doctor. Means at hand can not do. But we're talking about light burns. The main thing in this case – to save his skin, as well as the pain quickly removed. Therefore, the most important thing here – speed. The faster the start the necessary procedures – the easier it is.

Once you get burned – just in a hurry to cool place destruction. Put hands under running cold tap water, or put ice in the refrigerator. And keep somewhere half an hour. If the water jet causes pain, just moisten the cloth and apply to wound. The cold will remove the heat. Otherwise, the heat go further and cause damage deeper. Many mistakenly start to smear burn ointments. And very fat. They are only more irritated. They are as thermal insulation. Instead, to counteract the heat, ointments and creams retain it. And the skin lesions may become more severe. And it means – a long healing and scar. Cream or ointment (natural) must be applied within a few hours after you got burned. Healing ointment can do for yourself. Take a tablespoon of St. John's wort. Pour a cup of vegetable oil. Infused ointment for two weeks. From time to time shake the mixture. Such a good ointment heals burns. You can also make an ointment of calendula. You needed infusion of this plant and petroleum jelly. Aspect ratio – 1:2. Simply mix the components. It also helps, and sea buckthorn. Help and regular eggs. Boil them hard-boiled, remove yolks. They are now well on prozharte pan – until they become dark and stringy. The pan does not have to drop – no water or oil. The fire also need light. The resulting black salve is good at household burns. Just do not forget to cool down. But best of all – Aloe. Rinse cut leaves, then cut them lengthwise and attach to the inside of the sore spot. Aloe need to change twice a day. You can also chop the leaves of aloe to the blender and lubricated with a wound of this gruel. Aloe is known to have healing and antiseptic properties. Go to the wound can be applied and the pumpkin flesh. It helps to ensure that the burn was delayed. Also, the pumpkin has a healing and antimicrobial properties. Workable, and grated raw potatoes. There is also a very aesthetic way. Also positive. It rose petals. Need to "pluck" freshly rose petals and make a burn is not pressing down, and carefully holding the weak bandage. Petals often change. They say tea rose best help. Also, to the wound healed quickly, consume more vitamin C. It is in oranges, lemons, grapefruit, leek, etc. This vitamin helps rapid healing of burns. Burns well to Polimedel.