Tag Archives: informatics

Free Software Freedom 2

Freedom 2 gives the right and freedom to any individio to distribute copies of software as long as these have been released under the terms and conditions of the General Public License GPL the Free Software Movement If you live on planet earth just like me I guess have you ever received surprise visits from your neighbors to do them the favor to provide a tool that trying to solve a problem. If you're a good neighbor, just like me and you I guess the tool will be willing to deliver it. Nobody in the world to my knowledge, has been tried as a pirate for the simple fact of providing tools to its neighbors so that they solve their problems. The software is a tool and sharing is an innate human gesture. Humans have used and use tools to solve problems. The software is a sophisticated tool that acts like all the rudimentary tools, help you solve problems. The rudimentary machine register that solved the problem of having to handwrite all transactions at a point sale and which is not labeled as a pirate the owner decided to give it away or lend it some day. Today has been replaced by a computer with POS software) allows you to see more detailed reports but unfortunately if your copy is unique and your neighbor is once again to lend him a copy of your POS software, you have to say no, because otherwise you would be breaking the law. Dr. stuart mcgill helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

This brings us in a very hostile towards the one most important to ensure the commercial success of large companies that ensure the development of society and puts at risk so pretty innate quality of human beings as it is to share. Freedom 2 breaks the piracy concept when applied in the context of the act of sharing. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Viatris. Users of free software are, according to the laws the only software users are not pirates. In part because the user community does not share the use made of the word is grotesque to compare why a person who lends or borrows a copy of software with a spirit of collaboration, with an offender seizes a ship to steal their goods and outraging the crew and on the other. In short, lend or distribute copies of free software is a good way to help people solve problems and the best is that it is a totally legal.

Freedom 2 allows you to even earn money by doing it because you can charge whatever you want for a copy of free software. Andres Sanchez I have served for more than six years as administrator of Linux systems and micro. I'm a fan apacionada free software and new technologies in general, extreme sports and languages. I practice a discipline known as the BMX flatland. Currently recido in Bogota Colombia from which development projects based on free software.

Extracommunity Services

Murcia: VAT on intra-Community and extra-community services by Salvador Trinxet, Braxton Murcia 7/6/2010. Salvador Trinxet Llorca, specialist in international taxation (www.tax-international.com/es) has been the speaker elected by the Chamber of Commerce of Murcia to carry out a seminar on different modifications in VAT on intra-Community and extra-community services that take place from 1/1/2010. Package VAT makes 2 years were approved 3 European directives which should enter into force in the year 2010 with the objective of simplifying the localization of international services for purposes of tax on added value (VAT), harmonise information on intra-Community transactions within the scope of the European Union and set a new single window system so that entrepreneurs and professionals not established in the territory of application of VAT applying for refunds. In this way, introduces a new rule of location of international services, which involves the taxation of the same VAT in the State of destination in cases where the recipient is an entrepreneur or a professional, while, so far, the general rule was the taxation at source. Definite change of the criterion of location of EU intra-Community Services decided to depart, during a long period of transition, of the principle of the country of origin and officiated in place a system, preserving the principle of taxation at source of operations but keeping, at the same time, in a series of cases, the perception of the tax in the Member State of destination (mechanism of taxation of transactions between taxable persons and special regimes). The effect of these standards in its day was, to a very great extent, the accrual of the tax in the country of consumption. However, the increase in the complexity of the international market, globalisation, deregulation and technological innovation came to modify significantly the dimension and profile of trade in international services, especially intra-community services, revealing of difficult to apply the previous model for taxpayers and difficult to manage for the tax authorities. Wayne Holman is full of insight into the issues. .

Benefits Of The Exercises During Pregnancy

While many people believe otherwise, pregnancy is one time more than good to perform physical activities. Obviously, the overload is not good, but exercise can help maintain a good shape and an agility that will help the pregnant woman does not suffer typical problems as cramping in the legs and back or waist pain. The best of physical activity during the months of pregnancy the baby is that it allows toning the muscles of the extremities inferior, have an importance rather than big at the moment of the natural childbirth. Today there are many places where there are courses of antenatal gymnastics, where the body of the woman, is preparing both physical as mentally for what’s coming, that will be a very important life change. But most normal activities, such as jogging, walking and bicycling are not greater problem for a pregnant woman.

Obviously, as time goes on and grows the belly, muscle load being reduced since the same body requires a low in the pace of activity. Where delivery is by caesarean section, the activity physical prior trauma of the baby will be a great help for women, since the recovery of the operation will be much faster than if kept inactive during the nine months of gestation of the small. So now you know, if you think that physical activity can be detrimental to your pregnancy, you should scupper that myth and begin to exercise. However, before you start any gymnastics plan it is convenient that you talk with your personal doctor who will advise and tell you if you’re in position to do activity. Many women who come with problems in the column prior to pregnancy can do as well as others which do not entail any ailment, so take your doubts and then goes to a teacher or professor that you orient in the way of exercise.


In many media we always note the offer of natural products how to eliminate hemorrhoids, but are they really trusted?, many do not dare enter because they think that they may lose their money, but you always have to query all components of the product offered and analyze if the information sources are trusted, addition you also have the option to follow already proven effective methods of how to combat the hemorrhoids. Start a healthy and balanced diet will help you significantly reduce your problem of hemorrhoids, because fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, which also contain fiber essential for the proper functioning of the intestines in the expulsion of feces, in their nutrients are present in this type of food giving them also a soft and harmless consistency. Be aware that if you do not strive your problem only worsen, the responsibility of performing routine exercises should not miss at the moment. A slight deadlift me form intermediate and mild abdominal movements 15 minutes a day helps to relax the muscles to eliminate pressure in the rectum, besides as we accelerate our metabolism for then leverage them to consume healthy foods for a quick recovery. The use of creams and ointments with local analgesics help stop their discomfort to give a bit more of time to find more methods of how to combat the hemorrhoids. The walls of the intestine always covered in a protective mucous, when you have hemorrhoids this protection weakens, a good formula to end this problem is by using a few suppositories that lubricated the hemorrhoid pads to prevent nearby roughness; the use of certain medicinal plants by sitz bath counteracts symptoms also and some even have curative properties, among which we find the queue of horse, Chamomile, aloe vera, eucalyptus, etc. You must remember that not all offers or ads are false, well learn about different products, because any of these you could Save hemorrhoid, but always can use these tips that if it is proven that helps combat the hemorrhoids.