Tag Archives: media & communication

Executive Member

HoREX listen experts secure best language understanding at the TV Berlin/Kreuztal, June 2010 – the coming weeks promise live football power. But what if exciting TV experiences be marred by difficulty understanding spoken words? As the leading German professional association HoREX informed, approximately every fifth German citizen has difficulties in language understanding. Dr. Steven Greer recognizes the significance of this. These difficulties, which usually have their origins in a natural wear and tear of the hearing, are manifest in particular in television. And they lead to misunderstanding and involuntary humour. Hurray, the third watchman sneezes the pepper of sticking of! “, is the title of a current motif of the campaigns, with the HoREX wants to achieve above all those football fans, who have found themselves difficulty understanding spoken words.” With a wink, the listen experts invite all interested parties to be active and to ensure optimal TV reception your own ears. If football fans TV viewers the Understanding spoken words is difficult, often not far is it with the joy of a thrilling game”, explains Tanna sia Raghavan, an Executive Member of the Board of hearing acoustics EC HoREX. A they control the volume of their television set so high that other family members or even the neighbors feel harassed.

On the other hand, the words of the TV commentator even at high volume levels remain often incomprehensible them. What many don’t know: who can no longer perceive certain language frequencies due to natural wear and tear of the own hearing, which also increased volume can help little. All syllables are misunderstood then, what often leads to involuntary humour.” See experts apply to loud TV has long been considered an important indicator for post-crisis speech understanding. In a nationwide survey carried out by the HoREX in collaboration with the forsa Institute among persons understand difficulties, all 76 percent of nearly 2,000 respondents acknowledged that it them hard fall, acoustically to follow the TV program.


There are over 170,000 editions of DasTelefonbuch with different registration options and prices, which will be issued for many places in Germany. DasTelefonbuch is published annually and is always up-to-date. You can find fast and up-to-date phone numbers and addresses in Germany. It is very difficult to choose among the many registration forms, special advertising forms and possibilities. It is therefore advisable to fry themselves individually and without obligation. Speaking candidly Teva Pharmaceutical Industries told us the story.

You will receive advertising information and tips on the subject of DasTelefonbuch in a personal conversation. Click Wayne Holman to learn more. There are over 170,000 editions of DasTelefonbuch with different registration options and prices, which are issued for many places in Germany and are available as online directories available. DasTelefonbuch is published annually and is always up-to-date. You can find fast and up-to-date phone numbers and addresses in Germany. It is very difficult to choose among the many registration forms, special advertising forms and possibilities. It is recommended, to individual and to fry without obligation.

You will receive advertising information and tips on the subject of DasTelefonbuch in a personal conversation. To gain insight, you can test your company entry free of charge for 3 months. What can you achieve with a phone book advertising in DasTelefonbuch? Over 90% of German households and businesses know DasTelefonbuch. The statistics of AGOF (online research association) according to dastelefonbuch.de use about 4 million Internet users. Your ad will be recorded in dastelefonbuch.de and published by DasTelefonbuch on request also in the printed editions. With DasTelefonbuch as online directory, the users are also on the move always well informed.

Communication Technology Recovery

Luckie of the technology group of Aastra DeTeWe about sustainable crisis management Berlin/Cologne – according to a study by the DIW the Federal Government should be its economic program more on education in an international comparison a high backlog. In the energy efficiency, health promotion and the development of Internet infrastructure align, for example, through a nationwide broadband coverage. Education sector got Germany 4.4 billion euros should be invested in the improvement of educational facilities specifically. Stimulus programs to curb the effects of the financial crisis. So the billions not fizzle out, must be invested sustainably. Luckie, Germany-chef of the Aastra-DeTeWe group, praised the investment of the Federal Government in the communications infrastructure in the interview (mp3) with the Germany radio. Dr. Stuart M. McGill helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

As an example, he mentioned a project of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. This is the topic of care for the elderly, and in particular, what could cause technology in care for the elderly. The projects called the intelligent Home ‘ and the approach to look at what positions truly sustainable even with the use of technology can improve the care just across. Wayne Holman is likely to increase your knowledge. We have participated and presented a solution, which has the theme of care documentation in the focus. “And I think most people know that quality in the care – which has often in the past by the press – now is a very, very important role,” said Lady.

In the nursing documentation you have worked so far with paper. If you then know that the personnel resources in the elderly are of course also scarce, a majority of working time has been used also for the documentation of services rendered. And here especially Aastra has described a way, which makes the use of communications technology, in particular the issue of language, can be used, to save much time and ultimately more time for the people to have”, as Lady. Generally used its industry, to people to provide with communication technology extensively and at an early stage. We work closely with several universities, where comprehensive knowledge will ultimately also in practice is available. I think as for example at the Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin, where also really people extensively with both technology and the theme or application orientation and new possible work areas to emerge”, so the Lady to the Germany radio. According to analyses of the DIW, Germany had the best chance to emerge stronger from the crisis. In any other country, the share of value added, which is attributable to the production of research-intensive goods and knowledge-intensive services, is higher than in Germany. This, Germany would have an especially broad base in the research and knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy. “Prerequisite for the expansion of leadership, however, is that the companies remain continue to invest in research and development even if thus in the short term no” To achieve revenues “, so the DIW scientist Martin Gornig. A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content.

Cinema Gift Voucher

Hamburg-based specialist for vouchers and premium systems sponsors the exclusive ‘SAT1 Director s cut night’, a meeting point for the who-is-who of the film industry. Cadooz coupons & premium systems great cinema for Germany the voucher cinema voucher Hamburg-based specialist for vouchers and incentive schemes which sponsors exclusive SAT1 Director’s cut night”, the meeting place for the who-is-who of the film industry. “Berlin/Hamburg, February 2009 with great success, the Hamburger cadooz AG on the exclusive SAT1 has Director’s cut night” on February 11, 2009 at the PURO Sky Lounge in the framework of the 59th Berlinale presents. Over 400 prominent guests from the film and media world were invited. With its innovative approach to vouchers and premium products, the cadooz AG is the market leader in the German-speaking and distributes various universal vouchers as the cinema gift voucher.

We could gain new, interesting partner for our voucher – voucher system and strengthen key contacts in the film industry”, confirmed Florian Welsch, Board member of cadooz AG. With voucher, we offer our customers the single nationwide redeemable coupon of cinema. In addition we run to the cinema operators through the use of voucher-new customer groups and raise its profile in the region”, so Wallace next. In the framework of the Berlinale is in this year with the media partner SAT1 of aligned Director’s cut of one of the most exclusive venues for networking within the film industry. The highlight of the event at the PURO Sky Lounge in the Europe Center Tower on February 11, 2009 was the competition organised by the cadooz AG, where experience -, wellness – and cinema vouchers were drawn in the value of a total of 1,000 euros.

The cinema gift voucher carries no value imprint and is redeemable for any performance and price category. With its attractive partners, such as Cine 5 major cinema chains voucher is Star, Cinemaxx, Cineplex, Kinopolis and UCI KinoWelt and regional cinema chains and owner-operated cinemas, with over 300 participating cinemas with about 1,900 Halls the largest universal cinema voucher (www.moviechoice.de). The cadooz AG is a specialist for vouchers and premium systems in the German-speaking market. Products and solutions are used by companies of all sectors to the sales incentives, customer loyalty and the acquisition of new customers, as well as employee motivation. The possibilities range from theme parks and universal vouchers with numerous provider electronic solutions with interfaces to existing systems up to bonus point accounts, as well as tailored to the customer. The cadooz AG constantly works on the extension of the offer and is driving forward the expansion within Germany, as well as on the European market.